Engineering networks Alabuga Special Economic Zone
heating system complex power supply of alabuga comes through high-voltage substations toima-2 capacity of 100 mw , shchelokov-500 capacity of 250 mw. 600 mw distribution substation, designed minimize risks of voltage change , provide uninterrupted power supply if power supply 1 of substations cut off, put operation. water supply organised through purification station receives water water intake turaevo , located 65 km alabuga . household sewage of resident enterprises undergo treatment @ local treatment facilities and, through system of self-pressure sewerage, directed treatment facilities of yelabuga municipal district. heating supply of alabuga provided heat sources of resident companies , operating boiler houses of yelabuga power , heating plant (ru) (designed) heat output of 420 gcal/h. long time enterprise did not produce electricity , specialised in delivering heat “alabuga”, , in september 2016 management company of fez bought php “generating company” in order attr...