Demographics Kansas City, Missouri
map of racial distribution in kansas city, 2010 u.s. census. each dot 25 people: white, black, asian, hispanic or other (yellow)
according 2010 census, racial composition of kansas city follows:
white: 59.2% (non-hispanic white: 54.9%)
black or african american: 29.9%
hispanic or latino (of race): 10.0%
some other race: 4.5% (primarily latino)
two or more races: 3.2%
asian: 2.5%
native american: 0.5%
native hawaiian , other pacific islander: 0.2%
kansas city has second largest sudanese , somali populations in united states. latino/hispanic population of kansas city, heavily mexican , central american, spread throughout metropolitan area, concentration in northeast part of city , southwest of downtown. asian population, southeast asian, partly concentrated within northeast side columbus park neighborhood in greater downtown area, historical italian american neighborhood, umkc area , in river market, in northern kansas city.
the historic kansas city boundary 58 square miles (150 km) , has population density of 5,000 people per sq. mi. runs missouri river north, 79th street south, blue river east, , state line road west. during 1960s , 1970s, kansas city annexed large amounts of land, largely undeveloped day.
between 2000 , 2010 census counts, urban core of kansas city continued drop in population. areas of greater downtown in center city, , sections near i-435 , i-470 in south, , highway 152 in north areas of kansas city, missouri, have seen increase in population, northland seeing greatest population growth.
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