North Wing Gormenghast (castle)

residence of seigneur of sark

the top floor of north wing contains hall of bright carvings, curator rottcodd spends days sleeping. has single window facing north, out of rottcodd observes entire population of castle returning gormenghast lake after earling of titus 77th earl of groan. keda, titus wet nurse, has quarters in north wing.

when steerpike becomes renegade life of castle, cornered in apparently abandoned, northern section of castle (whether or not part of north wing unclear). roofs, buttresses , outcrops of vast area appear have own names, , countess gertrude lists of them: namely, blackstone quarter, stone dogshead, angel s buttress, coupée (described high knife edge ); north headstones beyond gory , silver mines ; , twin fingers, little sark begins , bluff narrows . interestingly, coupée, silvermines, gory , little sark placenames channel island of sark, mervyn peake living @ time when wrote gormenghast.


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