The north-facing upper-level windows of the choir Quimper Cathedral
1 north-facing upper-level windows of choir
1.1 window 103. saint paul, saint john baptist , saint pierre
1.2 window 105. vitrail de bertrand de rosmadec
1.3 window 107. olivier de l hôtellerie, saints pierre et paul, la trinité
1.4 window 111. vitrail du chanoine en chape bleue
1.5 window 112. vitrail des trémic-bodigneau et des tréanna
the north-facing upper-level windows of choir
window 103. saint paul, saint john baptist , saint pierre
this three-lancet window features saint paul, john baptist , saint pierre.
window 105. vitrail de bertrand de rosmadec
this 4 lancet window features sainte catherine d alexandrie in first lancet. holds fragment of wheel on martyred. in lancet 2 two bishops appear 1 kneeling. thought bertrand de rosmadec quimper bishop 1416 1444. third lancet features saint in white robe , fourth depicts virgin mary child.
window 107. olivier de l hôtellerie, saints pierre et paul, la trinité
this 4 lancet window features john baptist presenting kneeling canon olivier de l hôtellerie in first lancet. saint pierre appears in second lancet, saint paul in third lancet wearing green tunic , in fourth lancet god himself.
window 111. vitrail du chanoine en chape bleue
this window of 4 lancets features 4 saints. in first lancet saint anthony legendary pig, in second lancet saint james of compostelle. in third lancet, canon on knees presented anonymous saint. canon wears blue cape. virgin mary child appears in fourth lancet.
window 112. vitrail des trémic-bodigneau et des tréanna
the benefactors of trémic-bodigneau , tréanna families depicted on knees , being presented saints.
in first lancet noblewoman saint james of compostelle, in second armed cavalier virgin mary , child, in third lancet armed cavalier presented saint-yves , in final lancet kneeling noblewoman saint catherine.
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