Knights.27 Kingdom II .282004.E2.80.932006.29 Lego Castle

1 knights kingdom ii (2004–2006)

1.1 characters
1.2 morcia
1.3 ankoria
1.4 sets

1.4.1 2004
1.4.2 2005
1.4.3 2006
1.4.4 other

knights kingdom ii (2004–2006)

knights kingdom ii, aimed @ 6 twelve year-olds, first officially announced in november 2003, in english version of lego magazine. in spring 2004, large action figures released in europe; several months later, released in america. both continents obtained playsets in summer. knights kingdom chronicles legends of kingdom of morcia, fantasy world, , adventures take place within it. main characters knights of opposing factions. revamped version of earlier knights kingdom lego theme, featuring larger, action-figure characters more colourfully attired mini-figures in traditional sets. while officially titled knights kingdom on packaging, popularly known knights kingdom ii in order differentiate original theme included lego mini-figures , featured different knight, king, , villain characters. made trading card game , book series. 8877 vladek s dark fortress largest set of theme. 10176 king s castle part of product line, not in official storyline.

with emergence of new castle line in 2007, line discontinued.


this list of characters in knights’ kingdom line.

lord vladek: (spring 2004-autumn 2004, 2005–2006) adviser king mathias, put him in dungeon , claimed king had gone missing, , tournament held determine new king. entered, , planned use power of book of morcia win , become king. however, 4 hero knights found mathias , defeated vladek. time after, vladek fled, , found himself in lost kingdom of ankoria, regained power creating vladmask, , took on kingdom. here adopted title of “lord vladek”. threatened use vladmask destroy morcia, sir jayko destroyed vladmask , stopped him. vladek has dark visage, burning embers eyes , mouth set in permanent grimace. when vladmask not on, can cause fear in stalwart of hero knights. emblem scorpion, , set shield know. vladek s sword of darkest coal, sinister , deadly. vladek oddity among knights’ kingdom series kits, in 1 of few figures have 1 movable arm via dial on back. supposedly because of skill sword, , disdain of shield. vladek s sword capable of deflecting arms can brought bear, , rumored can split arrow in mid air. vladek has new black , silver armor, red cape, , sorcerer s sword capable of deflecting boulders , creating things out of ruins.

emblem: scorpion

king mathias: (????-spring 2004, autumn 2004-winter 2005) king of morcia. wise , ruler of morcia. retired. uses basic light blasts sword battle.

emblem: lion

the guardian of citadel (c.unknown-2004,2006) protects heart of shield ages. has 2 forms- knight , old man.
danju- danju legend among knights , loyal defender of king mathias. looks him. acts father-figure pages , squires, giving them advice. wise.

emblem: wolf

jayko- jayko youngest of 4 first hero knights. bold knight loves action , eager show off skills. fast hawk. later becomes king of morcia after retirement of king mathias.

emblem: hawk

rascus- rascus funniest , agile knight. unable stand still. people love see him compete in tournaments because s impossible predict next move before it.

emblem: monkey

santis- santis strongest of knights. unfortunately, not have many friends, strength makes people fear him. friends know him dependable friend, willing friends troubles.

emblem: bear

kentis- kentis skilled in martial arts. using mighty battle mace, battle rogue knights.

emblem: stallion

adric- adric brave. strong axe can slash through anything-even rogue knights armor.

emblem: bull

dracus:leader of rogue knights

emblem: dragon

karzon:weapons master rogue knights


king orlan: first king of morcia
king mallakee: evil king disappeared


morcia knights’ kingdom takes place. believed reference ancient english kingdom, mercia. home of hero knights, king mathias, , vladek.

castle of morcia: current king lives in castle.

chamber of transformation: knights armour here.

province of aldendan: danju s castle located in alendan s hills of highlands. area of natural beauty. magic healing herbs grow here.
province of banteras: rascus s castle located in great forest, in 1 of old oak trees. types of wildlife mistake banteras forest.
province of talonjay: jayko s castle overlooks shoreline , seas far below. waves form new tunnels, , wind helps people provide own power. years of erosion made lower working quarters of talonjay castle.
province of orkosan: santis s castle in flatlands of morcia. orkosan has many farms.

attack of vines: 1 day, mysterious vines blocked path banteras, making difficult leave. sir rascus destroyed vines. *moorlands:a province in morcia citadel located cursed great sorcerer *citadel:guarding place of heart of shield of ages , home of guardian.


a lost kingdom cursed great sorcerer,later lord vladek s kingdom, land knights kingdom 2 takes place.

vladeks dark fortress:vladek s castle, built ruins of ankoria.
mistlands: land located within morcia, location of tower of ages.
tower of ages: mysterious tower possess great power, known mistlands tower.


8781 castle of morcia

minifigs: jayko, rascus, santis, danju, vladek, king mathias, shadow knight, skeleton. consists of large castle , scorpion catapult.

8777 vladek encounter

minifigs: danju, vladek. consists of catapult , vladek on horseback.

8778 border ambush

minifigs: santis, shadow knight. consists of rope bridge.

8779 grand tournament

minifigs: jayko, king mathias, vladek. consists of 2 jousting launchers, 2 poles, , king s viewing box.

8780 citadel of orlan

minifigs: santis, guardian, rascus, shadow knight. consists of large citadel.

8799 knights castle wall

minifigs: jayko, rascus, santis. consists of castle wall.

8800 vladek s siege engine

minifigs: vladek, shadow knight. consists of siege tower battering ram.

8770 danju
8771 jayko
8772 rascus
8773 santis
8774 vladek


8873 fireball catapult

minifigs: sir santis, shadow knight. consists of wheeled catapult.

8874 battle wagon

minifigs: sir rascus, 2 shadow knights. consists of wagon prison cell , catapult.

8875 king s siege tower

minifigs: sir jayko, king mathias, shadow knight. consists of wheeled siege tower.

8876 scorpion prison cave

minifigs: sir jayko, sir danju, lord vladek, shadow knight, skeleton. consists of horse-mounted catapult, giant scorpion, , prison cave , tower.

8877 vladek s dark fortress

minifigs: sir danju, sir jayko, sir rascus, sir santis, lord vladek, 3 shadow knights, skeleton. consists of large fortress , morcian siege machines.

8801 knights attack barge

minifigs: sir santis, sir rascus. consists of armed boat.

8802 dark fortress landing

minifigs: lord vladek, shadow knight. consists of fortified dock.

65767 attack sea

pack containing sets 8801 , 8802.

8791 sir danju
8792 sir jayko
8793 sir rascus
8794 sir santis
8795 lord vladek
8796 king mathias


story: lord vladek has returned seeking power of mistlands tower, can take on morcia. time has hired army of rogue knights instead of usual shadow knights. rogue knights led dracus , lieutenant, weapons master karzon. in morcia, jayko, king after defeating vladek, hears vladek s return , army of rogue knights, , how s after power of mistlands tower. after hearing this, king jayko teams 2 newly trained knights, sir kentis , sir adric, must king jayko defend tower lord vladek , army of rogue knights. in end, shield of ages reforged mysterious blacksmith (who hinted being first king of morcia, orlan), shield used imprison lord vladek in orb on top of tower, rogue knights trapped in dungeon, , morcia saved. shown in comic, old knights did not die. sir danju once again trainer of knights, , shown being trainer of kentis , adric.

8813 battle @ pass

minifigs: skeleton, 4 hero knights, 4 rogue knights, sir kentis , dracus. consists of castle wall , 4 siege machines.

8821 rogue knight battleship

minifigs: dracus, sir kentis, rogue knight. consists of battleship , guard tower.

8822 gargoyle bridge

minifigs: sir adric, karzon, rogue knight. consists of bridge , wheeled battering ram.

8823 mistlands tower

minifigs: king jayko, lord vladek, sir adric, karzon, blacksmith, skeleton. consists of four-story mistlands tower , wheeled catapult.

10176 kings castle

this set recreation of 6090 royal knights castle minifigs: king, wizard, bull knight, bull squire, lion knight, 3 lion soldiers, 2 skeletons, 1 ghost, , dwarf. contains keep 4 towers on mountain base plate.

8701 king jayko
8702 lord vladek
8703 sir kentis
8704 sir adric
8705 dracus
8706 karzon


g678 knights kingdom chess set
knight s kingdom alarm clock


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