References Plant virus

further reading

zaitlin, milton; palukaitis, peter (2000). advances in understanding plant viruses , virus diseases . annual review of phytopathology. 38: 117–143. doi:10.1146/annurev.phyto.38.1.117. 
zaitlin, milton (1998), discoveries in plant biology, new york 14853, usa. pp. 105–110. s. d. kung , s. f. yang (eds).
dickinson, m. (2003), molecular plant pathology. bios scientific publishers.
wang daowen; maule andrew j (1994). model seed transmission of plant virus: genetic , structural analyses of pea embryo invasion pea seed-borne mosaic virus . plant cell. 6: 777–787. doi:10.2307/3869957.


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