Creation of the NKT-IKBU Kelsang Gyatso

in 1987, kelsang gyatso entered 3-year retreat @ tharpaland international retreat centre in dumfries, scotland. during retreat, wrote 5 books , established foundations of nkt-ikbu. after completing retreat in months of 1991, kelsang gyatso announced creation of nkt-ikbu, event celebrated students in nkt-ikbu magazine full moon wonderful development in history of buddhadharma. since time, nkt-ikbu has grown comprise on 1100 centres , groups throughout 40 countries.

kelsang gyatso s teachings had practical emphasis teachings based on lamrim, lojong , mahamudra. when established nkt-ikbu study programs said:

i wanted encourage people practice purely. having lot of dharma knowledge, studying lot intellectually not practicing, serious problem. experience in tibet. intellectual knowledge alone not give peace.

waterhouse commented teaches in english strong tibetan accent. endearing character at; petite downcast eyes him walks or teaches devoted students. spanswick observes many of hear him speak struck wisdom , sincerity.

at heart of nkt-ikbu 3 study programs: general program, foundation program, , teacher training program. in these programs students exclusively study kelsang gyatso s books authorized nkt-ikbu dharma teachers.

according nkt-ikbu, seeks not offer westernized form of buddhism, rather make traditional gelugpa buddhism accessible westerners. achieve this, kelsang gyatso taught himself english


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