Examples Vine

spring growth of virginia creeper

actinidia arguta, tara vine
actinidia polygama, silver vine
adlumia fungosa, allegheny vine
aeschynanthus radicans, lipstick vine
akebia, chocolate vine
ampelocissus acetosa, known wild grape or djabaru
ampelopsis glandulosa var. brevipedunculata, known wild grape or porcelain berry
anredera cordifolia
antigonon, coral vine
antigonon leptopus, confederate vine
berchemia scandens, rattan vine
bignonia, cross vine
bougainvillea, genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, , trees
campsis, trumpet vine

campsis grandiflora, chinese trumpet vine

cardiospermum halicacabum, balloon vine
celastrus, staff vine
ceropegia linearis, rosary vine or sweetheart vine
cissus antarctica, kangaroo vine
cissus hypoglauca, water vine
citrullus lanatus var. lanatus, watermelon
cucumis sativus, cucumber
cyphostemma juttae, known wild grape
fallopia baldschuanica, russian vine
hedera helix, known common ivy, english ivy, european ivy, or ivy
kennedia coccinea, common coral vine
lagenaria siceraria, known bottle gourd, calabash, opo squash, or long melon
lathyrus odoratus, sweet pea
lonicera japonica, known suikazura or japanese honeysuckle
luffa, genus of tropical , subtropical vines classified in cucumber (cucurbitaceae) family
lygodium, genus of 40 species of ferns, known climbing ferns
momordica charantia, bitter gourd
mikania scandens, hemp vine
muehlenbeckia adpressa, macquarie vine
nepenthes, genus of carnivorous plants known tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups
pandorea pandorana, wonga wonga vine
parthenocissus quinquefolia, known virginia creeper, victoria creeper, five-leaved ivy, or five-finger
passiflora edulis, passionfruit
periploca graeca, silk vine
podranea ricasoliana, pink trumpet vine
pueraria lobata, kudzu vine
scindapsus pictus, silver vine
sechium edule, known chayote, christophene, or several other names
solandra, genus of flowering plants in nightshade family
solanum laxum, potato vine
strongylodon macrobotrys, jade vine
syngonium, goosefoot vine

syngonium podophyllum, arrowhead vine

thunbergia grandiflora, known bengal clock vine or blue trumpet vine
thunbergia erecta, bush clock vine
toxicodendron radicans, known poison ivy
vitis, of sixty species of grape
wisteria, genus of flowering plants in pea family


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