Life cycle Geitoneura klugii

1 life cycle

1.1 eggs
1.2 larvae
1.3 pupae

life cycle

the eggs either white or pale yellow in initial stages , gradually change speckled purple within few days of fertilisation. have flat base , apex moderately thick shell, consisting of 14 18 rib-like striations. laid eggs, however, remain dormant during hot australian summers. larvae begin develop within eggs if autumn showers wet eggs, temperature falls, or number of daylight hours decreases. developed larva within egg not emerge until prolonged autumn showers wet eggs. once larva wants emerge egg, partially cuts open part of shell , pushes way out. in cases larva eats shell nourish weak body. finds way young grass areas further nourish itself.


in first stage, pale grey body of larva has longitudinal brown lines, number of black-knobbed hair structures, brown head no horns, , rear no fork. in following stages, rear develops fork, longitudinal lines become green, , larva becomes green. mature larva green , 28 mm long. feeding habits larva extend winter through spring. feeds on grasses slender tussock grass, kangaroo grass, , false brome.


come pupation time, larvae become yellowish green , longitudinal lines disappear. pupa stage lasts 16 29 days during late spring , summer , decreases during peak summertime. pupae 11–13 mm long , pale green. suspended head downward silken pad @ abdomen, called cremaster, either log, food plant, or stick.


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