The Americas Snake worship

1 americas

1.1 north america
1.2 mesoamerica
1.3 south america

the americas
north america

indigenous peoples of americas such hopi give reverence rattlesnake grandfather , king of snakes able give fair winds or cause tempest. among hopi of arizona, snake-handling figures largely in dance celebrate union of snake youth (a sky spirit) , snake girl (an underworld spirit). rattlesnake worshipped in natchez temple of sun. mound builders evidently reverenced serpent, serpent mound demonstrates, though unable unravel particular associations.


the classic maya vision serpent, depicted @ yaxchilan

the maya deity kukulkan , aztec quetzalcoatl (both meaning feathered serpent ) figured prominently in respective cultures of origin. kukulkan (q uq umatz in k iche maya) associated vision serpent iconography in maya art. kukulkan official state deity of itza in northern yucatan. in many mesoamerican cultures, serpent regarded portal between 2 worlds.

the worship of quetzalcoatl dates 1st century bc @ teotihuacan. in postclassic period (ad 900-1519), cult centered @ cholula. quetzalcoatl associated wind, dawn, planet venus morning star, , tutelary patron of arts, crafts, merchants, , priesthood.

south america

the raimondi stela chavín culture, ancash, peru depicts fanged , clawed figure snakes hair.

serpents figure prominently in art of pre-incan chavín culture, can seen @ type-site of chavín de huántar in peru. in chile mapuche mythology featured serpent figure in stories deluge. lake guatavita in colombia maintains cacique legend of serpent god living in waters, tribe worshipped placing gold , silver jewelry lake.


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