Curriculum Tennessee Governor's Academy for Math and Science

1 curriculum

1.1 pre-calculus
1.2 calculus
1.3 mathematics life sciences
1.4 physics
1.5 humanities


pre-calculus served introductory mathematics class @ tga had not taken course elsewhere or not prepared take calculus upon arrival @ tga. course similar in content math 130 course offered @ university of tennessee @ knoxville. speaking, course content serves prepare juniors take calculus during spring semester of junior year. content includes review of algebraic, logarithmic, exponential, , trigonometric functions.


the calculus course designed professors @ university of tennessee @ knoxville , based on math 141 first semester , math 142 second semester of tga calculus course.

mathematics life sciences

mathematics life sciences, commonly mls, designed professors @ university of tennessee @ knoxville , based on math 151. mls provided introduction variety of mathematical topics of use in analyzing problems arising in biological sciences.


also designed university professors, course modeled on physics 135, introduction physics math , physical science majors @ university. course calculus-based, because students entering tga had no prior knowledge of calculus, began topics calculus either unnecessary, not required curriculum set state, or taught around.


at tga, humanities course designed fulfill requirements curriculum of state of tennessee american history , english iii.


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