Generation Revenue stream

1 generation

1.1 asset sale
1.2 subscription fees
1.3 lending / leasing / renting


the following methods revenue streams can created business.

asset sale

an asset sale completed, when buyer acquires assets dropped company. example of asset sale when shoe store sells pair of shoes customer. doing this, shoe shop sells ownership rights buyer, giving him complete freedom on pair of shoes. type of revenue belongs transaction based revenue.

subscription fees

a company sells repeated access product or service. mobile phone companies example, sell phone service through monthly subscription plan. model pioneered magazines , newspapers. model desirable because contract binds customer pay offered product or service. means, company can make more precise revenue forecast. revenue stream belongs recurring revenue model.

lending / leasing / renting

this sort of revenue made giving access asset, can product or service. key difference subscription fee asset still belongs company. common examples include car rentals or hardware leasing. revenue stream belongs recurring revenue model.

the above-mentioned of popular revenue streams. growth of internet, companies beginning new internet based revenue streams.


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