The 1950s to 1970s Cinema of Puerto Rico


within 1960s, explosion of filmmaking aroused on island. half of films shot in period co-productions between puerto rico , mexico. mexico shot few stand-alone productions, plus few co-productions spain , venezuela. puerto rico hosted sizable number of u.s. movies throughout decade, plus 1 argentina , 1 united kingdom. although none of movies period received wide critical acclaim, director leopoldo torre nilsson nominated golden palm award @ cannes film festival work on la chica del lunes (1967). notable bob hope comedy private navy of sgt. o farrell (1968) when hawaii unavailable department of defense cooperation , film adaptation of william golding s novel lord of flies.

filmmaking in 1970s, slowed down substantially. among handful of puerto rican pictures (mostly co-productions), jacobo morales film dios los cría (1979) stands out. morales had solid background actor , writer, going inception of puerto rican television in 1950s. dios los cria marked beginning of work writing , directing big screen. collection of 5 comedic tales earned him acclaim, slot in un regard section of 1979 cannes film festival.

the united states produced more films in puerto rico in 1970s other country did. of them schlock movies typical of time, such producer sydney w. pink s last movie man o.r.g.y. (1970). woody allen film bananas, of 1971, classic american film of time filmed in puerto rico. jacobo morales played supporting role on film.


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