Mediaeval period Terminology of the British Isles

map of britain part of ireland in 802

hereford mappa mundi isles in lower left hand corner.

while latin remained language of learning, mediaeval period records begin appear in native languages. earliest indigenous source use collective term archipelago life of saint columba, hagiography recording missionary activities of sixth century irish monk saint columba among peoples of scotland. written in late seventh century adomnán of iona, irish monk living on inner hebridean island. collective term archipelago used within work oceani insulae meaning islands of ocean (book 2, 46 in sharpe edition = book 2, 47 in reeves edition), used sparingly , no priteni-derived collective reference made.

another native source use collective term historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum of bede written in eighth century. collective term archipelago used within work insularum meaning islands (book 1, 8) , used sparingly. stated britain studies , confesses 1 , same knowledge of highest truth in tongues of 5 nations, namely angles, britons, scots, picts, , latins , distinguishing between brythonic languages of ancient britons or old welsh speakers , other language groups.

brythonic, saxon , viking kingdoms such strathclyde, wessex, , jórvík amalgamated, leading formation of scotland, , england. wales united under princes or kings such gruffydd ap llywelyn. between 854 , 1171, kingship of ireland established kings of regional kingdoms such máel sechnaill mac máele ruanaid, toirdelbach ua briain, muirchertach mac lochlainn, , ruaidrí ua conchobair, not achieved in britain until 1707. in subsequent norman ireland, local lords gained considerable autonomy lordship of ireland until became kingdom of ireland under direct english rule.


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