Gounod Georgina Weldon

charles gounod in 1882

by 1869 georgina weldon s childless marriage breaking down. @ time devised scheme national training school of music teach music poor children. weldons filled tavistock house orphans. joined henry david leslie s famous choir, through met french composer charles gounod in march 1871.

that year georgina weldon sang solo in mendelssohn s hear prayer @ several venues in london, , took solo soprano part in gounod s cantata gallia @ conservatoire de paris , opéra-comique in paris. november 1871 gounod, in poor health, had moved tavistock house mr , mrs weldon. close association composer benefited weldon s singing career. published hints pronunciation in singing in 1872 various songs , memoirs. has been suggested georgina , gounod lovers, , had promised title role in opera polyeucte when opened in paris. however, gounod became increasingly disturbed gossip weldon affair , in june 1874 returned wife in paris. feeling slighted gounod s departure, georgina weldon refused send on personal belongings, including draft of opera polyeucte. when gounod asked georgina return these belongings him, insisted return london claim them in person. when had virtually reconstructed musical score, year later, did return original draft him name scrawled diagonally across each page in crayon. instigated number of lawsuits against him libel, attempting sue him £10,000, none of actions successful. instead, in 1880 , again in 1885 herself imprisoned libels connected musical career.


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