Early history and immigrants Butte, Montana

butte courthouse , additional buildings, 1885.

among migrants, many chinese workers moved in, , amongst them set businesses led creation of chinatown in butte. chinese migrations stopped in 1882 passage of chinese exclusion act. there anti-chinese sentiment in 1870s , onwards due racism on part of white settlers, exacerbated economic depression, , in 1895, chamber of commerce , labor unions started boycott of chinese owned businesses. business owners fought suing unions , winning. history of chinese migrants in butte documented in mai wah museum.

the influx of miners gave butte reputation wide-open town vice obtainable. city s famous saloon , red-light district, called line or copper block , centered on mercury street, elegant bordellos included famous dumas brothel. behind brothel equally famous venus alley, women plied trade in small cubicles called cribs . red-light district brought miners , other men on region , open until 1982 1 of last such urban districts in united states. commercial breweries first opened in butte in 1870s, , large staple of city s economy; run german immigrants, including leopold schmidt, henry mueller, , henry muntzer. breweries staffed union workers. ethnic groups in butte, germans , irish italians , various eastern europeans, including children, enjoyed locally brewed lagers, bocks, , other types of beer.


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