History Alabuga Special Economic Zone

1 history

1.1 yelabuga automobile plant
1.2 free economic zone
1.3 directorate of investment programs
1.4 special economic zone


view of sez “alabuga”, 2017 year

yelabuga automobile plant

in 1980s, right bank of kama river promising industrial centre. in vicinity of naberezhnye chelny, auto road , railways communications established; kamaz showing new industrial capacities; plant of transport electrical equipment , cardboard , paper combine enterprise , nizhnekamsk hydroelectric station launched. in 1984, council of ministers of ussr decided build kamsky tractor plant (ru) (kamtz) in yelabuga area, including universal tractors plant, along engine plant, fueling equipment, turbocharger, foundry , forging , machine tool producing plants.

nikolay bekh, director of “kamaz” foundry plant, headed directorate of future plant. general plan of “kamtz” prepared under supervision. project, commissioned ministry of tractor , agricultural machinery of ussr, designed “giprotractorselkhozmash” kharkiv; main contractor production association kamgesenergostroy . first cubic meter of concrete laid in foundation of future plant on 12th october 1984, , next year construction of apartment houses, factory buildings, boiler station, treatment facilities , road highway kazan - naberezhnye chelny highway plant site launched. 1988, 6 buildings of plant installed, combined heat power plant built, 90 kilometres of high-pressure gas pipeline udmurtia laid, , 4 samples of experimental tractor put up, mikhail gorbachev doubted expediency of huge tractor production. in july 1988, council of ministers decided reorganize kamtz yelabuga automobile plant (yelaz), subordinated ministry of automobile industry order of august 9, 1988.

it planned launch mass production of city cars, “oka” in particular, on yelaz site in 1989-1995. plant negotiated creation of joint venture fiat production of fiat panda , jointly developed a93 model, italian company delayed signing of contract, waiting political crisis resolution on project financing depended. because of lack of funds, launch of yelaz postponed 1991 1992. in november 1991, gorbachev put plant jurisdiction of republic of tatarstan and, support of president of tatarstan, mintimer shaimiev, enterprise managed avoid closure after collapse of soviet union. main subdivision of yelaz in 1990s machine tool producing factory, launched in 1992 , supplied large car manufacturing factories , oil refineries. when in 1997 reached breakeven point, 1 thousand people worked on territory of 100 thousand sq meters. republican authorities revived idea of car production , in late 1995 reached crucial agreements concern of general motors. in 1996, joint venture “yelaz-general motors” established $250 million of authorised capital, 25% of belonged investors, rest - in equal shares tatarstan , russia. chevrolet blazer suvs, produced in brazil, assembled @ yelaz-general motors sites, , elaz directly dealt third-party orders tools, machine tools , spare parts, , french company produced beet harvesters.

the first 120 chevrolets left assembly line in march 1997, , end of 1998, planned open production complex of joint venture in 601st building of industrial site , increase car production 50 thousand per year. yelabuga — kazan — moscow — st. petersburg dealer network began work, , reduce car selling price, government of republic of tatarstan reduced property tax rate “yelaz-general motors”. however, financing of tripartite project slipping: example, in mid-1997, journalists pointed out 20 million roubles (3.456 mln dollars) instead of 120 (20.74 mln dollars) delivered republican budget, while russian federation provided 1.7 million (0.294 mln dollars). after that, existing mechanism of project funding abolished order of russian president on 8 july 1997.

free economic zone

view of street sh-2 east

view of street sh-2 west

in order attract funding , overcome unemployment in yelabuga, republican government turned widespread practice in russia of 1990s of creating free economic zones designed stimulate regional economy through tax breaks , attraction of foreign capital. law of republic of tatarstan on free economic zone «alabuga» adopted on april 22, 1998, 33 votes of deputies of state council of republic of tatarstan; 1 deputy voted against it. fez regulations developed customs committee of russian federation, ministry of finance of russian federation, , state committee property management of republic of tatarstan. fez residents exempt tax payments, except unified social tax (ru) , personal income tax. despite fact in 2001 american company left joint venture elaz - general motors , fez continued work. 2003, 13 companies located in fez, including “skantat” joint venture volvo, produces buses on kamaz chassis; minski traktarny zavod tractor production; meat-processing plant “modul”, car chemicals production “d plast-eftek; manufacturer of special machinery on cargo chassis automaster ; factory of office furniture , trade equipment eltons ; manufacturer of building components dsk kmk , joint venture heaters production delonghi - zass «alabuga»”..

the law on free economic zone «alabuga» contained fundamental differences federal legislation related industrial , production specificity of site , desire of tatarstan authorities avoid use of fez tax evasion. republican prosecutor s office considered these differences contained violations of civil code restrict citizens rights engage in entrepreneurial activities, , protested law during discussion of amendments in september 2001. deputies of state council of tatarstan appealed economic expediency of alabuga , prosecutor s office not satisfied these arguments , demanded supreme court of tatarstan regards law contradicting federal legislation. supreme court of tatarstan refused it, , tatarstan prosecutor s office appealed against decision in supreme court of russian federation. despite absence of direct ban on creation of free economic zones special economic regimes in federal legislation, supreme court of russia took side of prosecutor s office, , qualified creation of fez beyond powers of tatarstan state council , on march 21, 2003 abolished law on free economic zone «alabuga»”. on april 23, 2003, state council officially terminated law on territory of republic.

directorate of investment programs

to fulfil obligations provide tax benefits , implement investment projects residents of free economic zone, government of tatarstan established directorate of investment programs on territory of industrial site «alabuga» , complied federal legislation. directorate became legal successor of free economic zone, , former territory of fez transferred management. in 2004, 4 production projects 3 million dollars of investment launched on site.

special economic zone

the tatarstan project attracted attention of ministry of economic development of russian federation during work on new law regulating free economic zones. representatives of directorate of investment programs invited working group drafting bill, , after adoption of law on special economic zones in july-august 2005, herman gref visited yelabuga. project of special economic zone in yelabuga became 1 of winners of competition creation of first 2 sezs. on december 21, 2005, government of russian federation issued resolution no. 784 on establishment of special economic zone of industrial type on territory of yelabuga district of republic of tatarstan . tripartite agreement, signed on 18th january 2006 between ministry of economic development , trade of russian federation, government of republic of tatarstan , administration of yelabuga municipal district, obliged russian federation , republic of tatarstan jointly finance engineering, transport , social infrastructure of sez. open joint-stock company special economic zone of industrial , production type «alabuga»” (jsc “sez ipt «alabuga» ) established on 24th july 2006. jsc special economic zones , owned russian federation , ministry land , property relations of republic of tatarstan, became shareholder. grand opening of sez alabuga held on 20th november 2007. attended president of tatarstan mintimer shaimiev, head of federal agency management of special economic zones (ru) mikhail mishustin (ru), minister of economic development , trade elvira nabiullina, deputy minister of industry , energy denis manturov , deputy prime minister sergei ivanov..


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