Operational history Hawker Siddeley Nimrod

1 operational history

1.1 introduction service
1.2 falklands war
1.3 gulf war
1.4 afghanistan , iraq war
1.5 search , rescue
1.6 operation tapestry

operational history
introduction service

the nimrod first entered squadron service raf @ raf st mawgan in october 1969. these initial aircraft, designated nimrod mr1, intended stop-gap measure, , equipped many of same sensors , equipment shackletons supplementing. while improvements implemented on mr1 fleet enhance detection capabilities, improved nimrod mr2 variant entered service in august 1979 following lengthy development process. majority of nimrod fleet operated raf kinloss.

nimrod mr1 inflight, 1978

operationally, each active nimrod form single piece of complex submarine detection , monitoring mission. emphasis on real-time intelligence sharing paramount these operations; upon detecting submarine, nimrod aircrews inform royal navy frigates , other nato-aligned vessels pursuit in effort continuously monitor soviet submarines. safeguarding of royal navy s resolution-class ballistic missile submarines, launch platform britain s nuclear deterrent, viewed being of utmost priority.

falklands war

nimrods first deployed wideawake airfield on ascension island on 5 april 1982, type @ first being used fly local patrols around ascension guard against potential argentine attacks, , escort british task force sailed south towards falklands, nimrods being used provide search , rescue communications relay support of operation black buck bombing raids avro vulcans. task force neared become combat theatre , threat argentine submarines rose, more capable nimrod mr2s took on operations performed older nimrod mr1s. aviation author chris chant has claimed nimrod r1 conducted electronic intelligence missions operating punta arenas in neutral chile.

the addition of air-to-air refuelling probes allowed operations carried out in vicinity of falklands, while aircraft s armament supplemented addition of 1,000 lb (450 kg) general purpose bombs, bl755 cluster bombs , aim-9 sidewinder air-to-air missiles. use of air-to-air refuelling allowed extremely long reconnaissance missions mounted, 1 example being 19-hour 15-minute patrol conducted on 15 may 1982, passed within 60 miles (97 km) of argentine coast confirm argentine surface vessels not @ sea. long-range flight carried out mr2 on night of 20/21 may, covering total of 8,453 miles (13,609 km), longest distance flight carried out during falklands war. in all, nimrods flew 111 missions ascension in support of british operations during falklands war.

gulf war

a detachment of 3 nimrod mr2s deployed seeb in oman in august 1990 result of iraqi invasion of kuwait, carrying out patrols on gulf of oman , persian gulf. due level of threats present in gulf theatre, operational nimrods retrofitted marconi-towed active decoy. once hostilities commenced, nimrod detachment, increased 5 aircraft, concentrated on night patrols, daylight patrols carried out navy lockheed p-3 orions. nimrods used guide westland lynx helicopters , grumman a-6 intruder attack aircraft against iraqi patrol vessels, being credited assisting in sinking or damaging 16 iraqi vessels.

nimrods deployed middle east

after ground offensive against iraqi forces had ended, britain elected maintain raf presence in region through assets such nimrod , other aircraft. nimrod r1s operated august 1990 march 1991 cyprus, providing continuous flying operations start of ground offensive. each r1 retrofitted same marconi towed active decoy under wing chaff/flare dispensers, reportedly sourced tornado fleet.

afghanistan , iraq war

nimrods again deployed middle east part of british contribution us-led invasion of afghanistan; missions in theatre involved nimrods performing lengthy overland flights intelligence-gathering purposes. on 2 september 2006, 12 raf personnel killed when nimrod mr2 destroyed in midair explosion following onboard fire on afghanistan, single greatest loss of british life since falklands war. outbreak of iraq war in march 2003 saw raf s nimrods being used operations on iraq, using aircraft s sensors detect hostile forces , direct attacks friendly coalition forces.

search , rescue

while nimrod mr1/mr2 in service, 1 aircraft each of squadrons on rotation available search , rescue operations @ one-hour standby. standby aircraft carried 2 sets of lindholme gear in weapons bay. 1 other nimrod airborne on training mission carry set of lindholme gear. using aircraft sensors find aircraft or ships in trouble, used find survivors in water, capability search areas of 20,000 square miles (52,000 km). main role act on-scene rescue coordinator control ships, fixed-wing aircraft, , helicopters in search area.

the nimrod featured in media in relation search-and-rescue role, such in reporting of major rescue incidents. in august 1979, several nimrods involved in locating yachting competitors during disaster-stricken 1979 fastnet race , coordinated helicopters in searches survivors lost vessels. in march 1980, alexander l. kielland, norwegian semi-submersible drilling rig, capsized whilst working in ekofisk oil field killing 123 people; 6 different nimrods searched survivors , took turns provide rescue co-ordination, involving control of 80 surface ships , 20 british , norwegian helicopters. in example of search capabilities, in september 1977 when attempted crossing of north atlantic in zodiac inflatable dinghy went wrong, nimrod found collapsed dinghy , directed ship it.

operation tapestry

nimrods @ raf kinloss, 1999

the nimrods used enforce operation tapestry. tapestry codeword activities ships , aircraft protect united kingdom s sovereign sea areas, including protection of fishing rights , oil , gas extraction. following establishment of 200 nautical miles (370 km) exclusive economic zone (eez) @ beginning of 1977 nimrod fleet given task of patrolling 270,000 square miles (700,000 km) area. aircraft locate, identify, , photograph vessels operating in eez. whole area routinely patrolled; in addition surveillance, aircraft communicate oil , gas platforms. in 1978, airborne nimrod arrested illegal fishing vessel in western approaches , made vessel proceed milford haven further investigation. during icelandic cod wars of 1972 , 1975–1976, nimrod fleet closely cooperated royal navy surface vessels protect british civilian fishing ships.


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