Chairmen of the London County Council London County Council

lord rosebery, first chairman of london county council

chairman , vice chairman

the county council required statute appoint chairman , vice chairman @ annual meeting. both of these positions filled members of majority party. chairman chaired meetings of council, , county s civic leader, filling similar role mayor of borough or city. vice chairman performed these functions in absence. first chairman earl of rosebery, , last chairman arthur wicks.

the chairmanship prestigious office, second of lord lieutenant. incumbent chairmen honoured knighthoods on occasions of coronations of edward vii , elizabeth ii, , laying of foundation stone of county hall. part of celebrations of silver jubilee of george v in 1935 announced chairman in future entitled use style right honourable , honour enjoyed lord mayor of london.

deputy chairman

the council s standing orders provided post of deputy chairman. until 1895 holder of office in charge of organisation of council s activities, , paid salary. seen conflict of interest royal commission on amalgamation of city , county of london when reported in 1894, , in 1895 county clerk added council staff perform these duties. deputy chairmanship became purely ceremonial, , filled nominees of opposition party on council.


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