Rationale Farm Forestry Toolbox

the tools developed make routine tasks easier. example, using stocking tool possible calculated number of trees required, given row , in-row spacing, , area planted.

the health tool has similar approach. user can diagnose tree health problems using toolbox, replacing need use reference texts, or having enlist assistance of forest health expert.

forest researchers have developed number growth models, these models difficult access , use. toolbox developed ensure growth models available farm forestry owners , managers, able used inform decision making, , provide link between growth models outputs , financial modelling tools.

the stand manager more complex , used calculate net present value, internal rates of return, , wood , product yield. tool used explore management scenarios, , resultant financial return , wood yield. user of stand manger required create log grade sets (log specifications), regimes (sequence of events on life of rotation detailing events, including timing , costs/returns), input data. tool can use output site productivity , inventory tools.

using toolbox

users can customise toolbox using editors and/or manual input of key data, such growth rate. means toolbox can used type of planted forest (windbreak or shelterbelt, agroforestry, woodlot, or plantation), , can used existing planted forest or area being considered planting.

extensive user support available toolbox, manuals , workbooks provided. in addition on screen , panels displayed in many tools. series of video camtasia studio files provides instruction on use of tools. toolbox includes in editors sample log grade sets, regimes , biomass sets, user can modify.

the video available on youtube channel farm forestry toolbox.


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