Description Burke and Wills Plant Camp

boundary map, 2015

the burke , wills plant camp site located on unnamed creek on durrie station, approximately 2 hours drive north of birdsville. archaeological record of plant camp has 2 key components in 2 different locations. majority of european artefacts found date located @ terminus of intermittent unnamed creek , claypan. artefacts have been found along unnamed creek in varying concentrations. artefacts located within influence of drainage pattern of unnamed creek, artefacts found on high points within local environment. depth of artefacts varies majority being found close surface or within top 10–20 mm of soil.

a number of artefacts have been collected number of researchers have visited site including canvas/leather sewing kit needles, thrust block, duck bill leather sewing pliers, percussion cap, nipples , bullets consistent calibre, vintage , make of weapons taken on burke , wills expedition. these artefacts have been compared list of stores iii expedition , found consistent goods officially supplied.

the remainder of site consists of 2 scarred trees located 2 km , 2.7 km east along creek main artefact concentration. origin of scars on these trees remains unknown, possible these remains of blazes associated burke , wills expedition, providing visible marker location of plant camp other explorers, or in case of expedition, potential rescuers.

evidence of indiscriminate looting of archaeological artefacts visible throughout plant camp site. more extensive excavations have been undertaken @ base of 2 scarred trees thought associated burke , wills expedition. both tree locations show evidence of extensive shovel testing or turning of soil - presumably digger searching buried instruments of other artefacts. ongoing disturbance key threat facing plant camp process of retrieving surface artefacts without sufficient concern provenance , indiscriminate digging of artefacts removes them archaeological context , limits our ability obtain reliable information burke , wills expedition.


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