Education Butte, Montana

entrance of montana tech. statue of marcus daly augustus saint-gaudens sits @ entrance.

public education provided butte public schools runs butte high school, enrolls around 1,300 students. in correspondence butte public schools system, butte education foundation established in 2006, aims revitalize public schools in effort attract new businesses , residents. in foundation s mission statement, noted there need demonstrate genuine , ongoing commitment public education. schools first thing visitors ask when looking @ butte potential new home.

there several private schools in butte: butte central catholic high school operates under diocese of helena, operates butte central elementary, catholic elementary school. other private elementary schools include silver bow montessori school.

the first institute of higher education in butte montana school of mines, established in 1889, year of montana s statehood. university changed name montana tech in mid-twentieth century, , in 1994 became affiliated university of montana. university specializes in engineering geologic , hydrogeologic research, , has been nationally recognized among top 10% of engineering universities in united states. ranked no. 4 u.s. news & world report in 2017 best regional colleges in west. montana tech home highlands college, two-year-college grants associate s , trade degrees.


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