Switzerland List of concentration and internment camps

wauwilermoos camp assumably in winter 1943/44

during world war ii more 100,000 allied soldiers interned in switzerland. internees england, france, poland , russia, , italians , germans fled combat, swiss government had – unlike civilians, instance jews refugees, sent territories occupied nazi regime – keep these soldiers interned until end of hostilities, in line geneva convention of 1929. soldiers held in barracks, , used workers agriculture , industry, except officers not compelled forced labour , stayed in unoccupied mountain hotels, in davos. swiss government operated during world war ii in switzerland @ least 3 internment camps:

wauwilermoos internment camp internment respectively prisoner-of-war camp, situated in municipalities of wauwil , egolzwil in canton of luzern. established in 1940, wauwilermoos penal camp internees, priorly allied soldiers, among them members of united states army air forces, sentenced attempting escape other swiss camps interned soldiers, or other offenses. intolerable conditions @ wauwilermoos prison camp later described numerous former inmates, various contemporary reports , studies. imposed extremely harsh detention conditions.
les diablerets.

in addition, there number of regularly internment camps.


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