Bas.C3.ADlica de Santa Mar.C3.ADa de Guadalupe El Tepeyac National Park

parque nacional el tepeyac shares part of hills of santa isabel , guerrero basilica of guadalupe. el tepeyac famous being, according catholic faith, site virgin of guadalupe appeared juan diego cuauhtlatoatzin first latin american indigenous witnessed apparition of virgin of guadalupe in 1531. @ foot of hills of santa isabel , guerrero basilica of guadalupe (the monumental complex dedicated virgin guadalupe), every year receives millions of pilgrims, on december 12. considered main american catholic religious meeting point , 1 of visited in world annually twenty million visitors.

the basilica of guadalupe formed compound called plaza mariana composed of several churches , buildings. forming basilica there several chapels such capilla el pocito, parroquia de capuchinas, capilla del cerrito , capilla de indios. has among facilities investigation center includes historical collection of colonial mexico documents divided 3 branches: claveria, parroquia , secretaria privada. holds music files on 131 mexican authors, 77 italians, 23 spanish , other nationalities. lorenzo boturinis’ theological library inside facilities , includes more 17 000 titles.

another important part of compound museum opened in 1941 , holds important art collection of 1500 colonial mexico pieces including paintings, sculptures, jewellery , more. has works important painters of new spain such cristobal de villalpando , miguel cabrera. halls dedicated virgin of guadalupe , serve temporary exhibition spaces.


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