Four: Against the Day List of episodes in Against the Day

1 four: against day

1.1 episode 1 (pages 697-711)
1.2 episode 2 (pages 712-723)
1.3 episode 3 (pages 724-747)
1.4 episode 4 (pages 748-767)
1.5 episode 5 (pages 768-778)
1.6 episode 6 (pages 779-791)
1.7 episode 7 (pages 792-805)
1.8 episode 8 (pages 806-820)
1.9 episode 9 (pages 821-848)
1.10 episode 10 (pages 849-863)
1.11 episode 11 (pages 864-891)
1.12 episode 12 (pages 892-907)
1.13 episode 13 (pages 908-918)
1.14 episode 14 (pages 919-930)
1.15 episode 15 (pages 931-975)
1.16 episode 16 (pages 976-981)
1.17 episode 17 (pages 982-999)
1.18 episode 18 (pages 1000-1017)
1.19 episode 19 (pages 1018-1039)
1.20 episode 20 (pages 1040-1062)

four: against day
episode 1 (pages 697-711)

opening fourth section chapter devoted cyprian latewood, englishman living in vienna. cyprian meets 2 unsavory russians, misha , grisha , gets involved in weekly s&m gig “the colonel”, blindfolded, brought said colonel s house , whipped climax. cyprian runs old friend, ratty mchugh, confides in current “situation”, violating misha , grisha’s instructions never speak of arrangement colonel. ratty agrees aid cyprian in effort flee vienna introducing him derrick theign. derrick helps cyprian giving him required documents exit vienna. theign relocates cyprian venice takes sexual interest in him , uses him in vague capacity. chapter ends cyprian relocated once again vienna , scared life.

episode 2 (pages 712-723)

cyprian readjusts life in vienna , meets of theign’s acquaintances. runs yashmeen, working dressmaker , suspects t.w.i.t. secret surveillance. ratty mchugh interrogates yashmeen try understand why t.w.i.t. deserted chunxton crescent. yashmeen brings cyprian orgasm foot under table @ cafe. theign flies rage , reluctant cyprian make arrangements yashmeen leave vienna.

episode 3 (pages 724-747)

in venice, foley walker , scarsdale vibe discuss kit leaving vibe corp , knowledge of scarsdale’s role in webb’s murder. meanwhile, kit , webb profile scarsdale , foley, contemplating assassination. brothers run dally , penhallow, seems have history ruperta chirpingdon-groin. dally notices employer, princess spongiatostas, seems have shady business interests number of castle visitors including derrick theign. kit tells dally plan flee inner asia after avenging webb. dally eager brothers , introduces them andrea tancredi, plotting own attack on vibe. princess spongiatosta invites dally party vibe attending. tancredi seen approaching party , killed vibe s henchmen. believing s been spotted vibe, kit leaves venice. dally heartbroken , reef disgruntled.

episode 4 (pages 748-767)

the section opens letter yashmeen expressing disenchantment t.w.i.t. , desire transcend tyranny. kit travels rail inner asia. yashmeen s adopted father auberon lives life of hotel uxury in company of russian colonel named yevgeny prokladka. russians discuss desert prophet known doorsa. auberon approached al mar-foud, asks on behalf of doorsa city surrendered. after reading yashmeen s letter (delivered kit), auberon affected thought of reappearance. kit agrees travel eastward auberon establish relations tungusic population in shamanic asia. auberon disappears few weeks , returns determined find shambhala.

episode 5 (pages 768-778)

kit has epiphanic reaction lake baikal kit , hassan travel through tushuk tash ( prophet s gate ), kit has vision of city in distance. kit, prance, , hassan travel deeper inner asia, encountering various foreign parties , animals. hassan disappears, , kit , prince meet auberon s associate swithin poundstock, supplies them counterfeit coins. prance explains kit theories religion.

episode 6 (pages 779-791)

heavenwide blast of light - tunguska event- occurs. captain padzhitnoff , crew struggle interpret cause. prance becomes hysterical , attributes explosion otherworldly force. kit wonders if tunguska event have been caused discharge of q weapon. in aftermath of explosion, people, animals, , landscape undergo surreal changes. white reindeer named ssagan communicates kit , prance , leads them area tuvan throat singers. prance picked chums of chance. kit falls in band of siberian ex-cons , encounters fleetwood vibe, searching lost cities. fleetwood says scarsdale no longer of sound mind after visit italy.

episode 7 (pages 792-805)

the chums of chance witness tunguska event , communicate professir vanderjuice , padzhitnoff possible causes. photographs of event emerge , effects observed books many characters across europe. dally warned princess not fall mala vita. cyprian works cryptologist named bevis moistleigh. reef abandoned ruperta , hears voice sky telling him rededicate himself settling family vendetta. yashmeen has romantic episode noellyn fanshawe, former schoolmate.

episode 8 (pages 806-820)

austria announces intention annex bosnia. theign tells cyprian s sending him balkans , cyprian examines small map of austria bevis. yashmeen evicted anti-semitic landlord. cyprian tells ratty s worried yashmeen, , arranges go trieste. theign refuses yashmeen , cyprian insults theign. in trieste, yashmeen , cyprian kiss cyprian heads balkans. amidst fierce winds, yashmeen has abrupt sexual encounter cyprian s friend vlado clissan. develop erotic relationship , visit island zengg, vlado tells yashmeen uskok heritage.

episode 9 (pages 821-848)

cyprian takes austrian ship pola, croatia pick bevis moistleigh. aboard vessel introduced jacintha drulov, young spy in training whom bevis quite smitten with. bevis, taking keen interest in jacintha, teaches spy technique called applied idiotics. cyprian , bevis disembark in metkovic, herzegovina making way serajevo rendezvous , aid danilo ashkil, has proved valuable intelligence purposes. in leaving area, cyprian runs misha , grisha harbor no ill feelings towards him , lead him colonel khäutsch, cyprian begins stalking unable find. danilo tells cyprian on dummy assignment captured austrians in bosnia , english no longer have use him. sets him, bevis , danilo out on path flee pursuers through treacherous balkan terrain. cyprian , danilo lose bevis spurring fools errand find him , trapped on mountainside in danilo injures himself , both die due winter conditions , tough terrain. 2 make way danilo’s hometown of salonica cousin vesna overjoyed see him. cyprian stays while though departs trieste. sheer coincidence cyprian disembarks before getting trieste , runs bevis moistleigh has been living jacintha in cetinje, montenegro.

episode 10 (pages 849-863)

reef encounters old friend flaco in nice. sit @ cafe, bomb explodes , reef sees kit in vision. vlado gives yashmeen mysterious book called book of mask. reef returns venice , runs pino, rocco, , yashmeen. after shootout, pino , rocco reef , yashmeen escape towing boat. reef masturbates while watching yashmeen sleep. after have sex, yashmeen changes hair avoid being recognized. theign pressures vlado information yashmeen. yashmeen , reef win lots of money gampling. yashmeen studies book given vlado , amazed.

episode 11 (pages 864-891)

cyprian returns italy , looks yashmeen. runs ratty mchugh, sends cyprian ca spongiatosta speak princess. when cyprian finds not @ home, speaks prince history , politics. cyprian encounters yashmeen , reef before heading trieste plot revenge vlado s cousin , uskoks. cyprian targets theign in series of mischievous acts , approaches him gun. theign apprehended uskoks take out eyes woodworker s gouge. cyprian , yashmeen embark on several bouts of serious s&m sex. gang travel outer island carnesvale festival. cyprian, reef, , yashmeen have threesome. cyprian , reef continue intimacy , reef confides in cyprian son. reef dreams webb. 3 flee venice live among anarchists , end gambling, running wolfe tone o rooney, , arguing. yashmeen learns s pregnant.

episode 12 (pages 892-907)

in london, ruperta introduces dally arturo naunt, sculptor looking models angel of death statues. ruperta has transformative experience attending ralph vaughan williams concert hunter. dally begins acting gig courtesy of r. wilshire vibe , pursued suitors male , female. catches attention of clive crouchmas works arms dealer basil zaharoff. after dally becomes intimate crouchmas, meets lew basnight asks investigating crouchmas s shady business dealings. crouchmas saddened when learns dally working against him. learns doggo spokeshave b. zaharoff going japan buying q weapon. dally , lew head constantinople.

episode 13 (pages 908-918)

crouchmas sends 2 henchmen, imi , ernö, abduct dally, saved reappearance of kit. kit turns out fleeing pera after scuffle committee of union , progress. kit , dally escape train, have sex, , attend operetta, burgher king. consider heading london , continually intimate.

episode 14 (pages 919-930)

frank being treated gunshot wound in church in chihuahua. sees indian shaman el espinero, estrella, , ewball oust, discusses anarchy snd vengeance. frank trips off of psychedelic cactus given him el espinero. stray , ewball leave together, , frank recovers, , wren provenance become intimate. couple investigates aztec ruin , contemplate destruction of sacred ways of life. frank works , consults el espinero. wren leaves harvard.

episode 15 (pages 931-975)

at anarchist spa, cyprian, yashmeen, , reef run ratty mchugh, has abandoned government work communal life wife jenny , companion sophrosyne hawkes. coombs de bottle, examine mysterious map given renfrew seems forecast major historical change. cyprian reluctantly agrees accompany ratty balkans investiagte groups scared of strange musical modes. yashmeen , reef accompany cyprian balkan peninsula , continue sexual adventures aboard train en route. trio breaks away musical expedition find das interdikt. @ gabrovo slim s farm, yashmeen gives birth girl, ljubica. reef , cyprian, guided r.u.s.h. cyclist mihaly vamos, troubled learn interdikt part of shady project create light weapon. group finds rock archway locals has special powers. after stumbling on convent roots in greek mysticism, cyprian decides devote himself life of spirituality.

reef, yashmeen, , ljubica head west war breaks out. in albania, reef killed 3 rifleman saved @ last minute ramiz. after coming safety in town of corfy, yashmeen , reef run auberon halfcourt, dating umeki.

episode 16 (pages 976-981)

ewball takes stray denver meet parents. ewball sr. attacks son, , mayva traverse intervenes. mayva , stray talk frank.

episode 17 (pages 982-999)

frank has joined revolutionary forces in mexico. after helping dynamite, decides head u.s. soon. in meantime, works old friend günther von quassel on coffee bean processing machines. frank spends time melpomene, possibly telepathic girl shows frank powerful species of glowing beetles. political situation in mexico worsens , frank has flashback cactus hallucination. in denver, frank happens run dr. willis turnstone, takes him chinese acupuncturist named dr. zhao. here frank sees wren tells frank find stray. in pursuit, frank runs ewball says mayva close by.

episode 18 (pages 1000-1017)

scarsdale vibe encounters strange malignant being on private train. in trinidad, colorado, frank , ewball attempt kill scarsdale , foley, undermined when foley kills scarsdale. stray flees trinidad strikers camp finds son jesse, becomes interested in firearms , begins sneaking out @ night. frank arrives , helps fight forces hostile strikers , bonds stray , jesse before departs emotionally.

episode 19 (pages 1018-1039)

the chums of chance attempt take inconvenience massive saharan updraft , end on antichthon, counter-earth. re approached shadowy russian agent asks them find padzhitnoff, has gone missing. chums become dimly aware of world war , encounter padzhitnoff , crew in french airspace. 2 ships head geneva crews move goods , people on swiss border. after armistice declared, boys receive lucrative offer work in california , bid goodbye padzhinoff. heading west, meet female counterparts, sodality of aethernauts. chums land in l.a. find job dead end. chick runs father dick operates film projector. dick , chick visit merle rideout , roswell bounce, working reanimate photographs , seek protection of lew basnight.

episode 20 (pages 1040-1062)

lew basnight, in l.a., contacted chester le street investigate night club singer named jardine maraca. lew heads hotel, royal jacaranda, , calls in friend emilio, toilet gazer, gets bad vibes. merle contacts lew and, in pre-war flashback, spends time zombinis in santa barbara. roswell , merle ask lew s , show him photo reanimation techniques. lew examines photo of jardine maraca. following lead emilio, meets lake @ home. after have sex, deuce arrives , threatens lew, rescued secretary. deuce arrested after waking next corpse after party. lew finds jardine maraca, tells him deuce death penalty. lew reanimates picture of troth see how ve grown ols, , merle uses machine see dally in present living in paris.


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