Pollution and toxic cleanup Butte, Montana

web resources

united states environmental protection agency. 2005a. region 8 – superfund: citizen’s guide superfund. updated 27 december 2005. www.epa.gov/ accessed 27dec.05.
______. 2005b. “epa region 8—environmental justice (ej) program.” updated 24 march 2005). www.epa.gov/region8/ej/ accessed 05.jan.06.
______. 2004a. superfund cleanup proposal, butte priority soils operable unit of silver bow creek/butte area superfund site, epa.gov, accessed 20.dec.2004.
______. 2004b. “clark fork river record of decision,” available @ epa.gov
______. 2002a. superfund community involvement toolkit. epa 540-k-01-004.*
______. 2002b. “butte benefits $78 million cleanup agreement.” available @ epa.gov
______. 1998. superfund community involvement handbook , toolkit. washington, dc: office of emergency , remedial response.
______. 1996. “epa superfund record of decision r08-96/112.” available @ epa.gov
______. 1992. environmental equity: reducing risk communities. epa a230-r-92-008; 2 volumes (june 1992).
society applied anthropology. 2005. “sfaa project townsend, case study three, clark fork superfund sites in western montana.” sfaa.net, accessed ovember 23, 2005
montana environmental information center. 2005. “federal superfund: epa s plan butte priority soils.” available @ meic.org
murray, c. , d.r. marmorek. 2004. “adaptive management: science-based approach managing ecosystems in face of uncertainty.” prepared presentation @ fifth international conference on science , management of protected areas: making ecosystem based management work, victoria, british columbia, may 11–16, 2003. essa technologies, bc, canada.
national academy of sciences. 2005. national academy of sciences report on superfund , mining megasites: lessons coeur d’alene river basin. available @ epa.gov
public employees environmental responsibility. 2005. “cut , run: epa betrays montana town—a tale of butte, largest superfund site in united states.” news release (august 18, 2005), peer.org, accessed september 15, 2005
southland, elizabeth. 2003. “megasites: presentation nacept—superfund subcommittee.” www.epa.gov/oswer/docs/naceptdocs/megasites.pdf, accessed april 22, 2005.

academic resources

center public environmental oversight. 2002. “roundtable on long-term management in cleanup of contaminated sites.” report roundtable held in washington, dc, 28 june 2002, cpeo.org, accessed december 19, 2005.
case, bridgette dawn. women s protective union: union women activists in union town, 1890-1929 (phd dissertation. montana state university-bozeman, 2004) online
curran, mary e. 1996. “the contested terrain of butte, montana: social landscapes of risk , resiliency.” master’s thesis, university of montana.
lecain, timothy. 1998. “moving mountains: technology , environment in western copper mining.” phd dissertation, university of delaware.
quivik, frederic. 1998. “smoke , tailings: environmental history of copper smelting technologies in montana, 1880–1930.” phd dissertation, university of pennsylvania.


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