References History of Woman Suffrage


barry, kathleen. susan b. anthony: biography of singular feminist. ballantine books, new york, 1988. isbn 0-345-36549-6
cullen-dupont, kathryn. encyclopedia of women s history in america, second edition, facts on file, new york, 2000. isbn 0-8160-4100-8
dubois, ellen carol. woman suffrage , women s rights. new york university press, new york, 1998. isbn 0-8147-1901-5
ginzberg, lori d. elizabeth cady stanton: american life. hill , wang, new york, 2009. isbn 978-0-8090-9493-6.
gordon, ann d., ed. selected papers of elizabeth cady stanton , susan b. anthony: national protection national citizens, 1873 1880 (vol. 3), rutgers university press, new brunswick, new jersey, 2003. isbn 978-0813523170.
gordon, ann d., ed. selected papers of elizabeth cady stanton , susan b. anthony: when clowns make laws queens, 1880 1887 (vol. 4), rutgers university press, new brunswick, new jersey, 2006. isbn 978-0813523200.
harper, ida husted. life , work of susan b. anthony. 3 volumes: vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3. bowen-merrill company , hollenbeck press, indianapolis, 1898–1908.
kelly, martha, little history of history of woman suffrage, ioba standard online, volume vi, number 1, spring edition 2005, journal of independent online booksellers association.
kerr, andrea moore. lucy stone: speaking out equality. new jersey: rutgers university press, 1992. isbn 0-8135-1860-1
stanton, elizabeth cady; anthony, susan b.; gage, matilda joslyn; harper, ida. history of woman suffrage. 6 volumes:vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6, rochester, new york: susan b. anthony , charles mann press, 1881–1922.
tetrault, lisa. myth of seneca falls: memory , women s suffrage movement, 1848-1898. university of north carolina press, 2014. isbn 978-1-4696-1427-4


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