WWII .28Continuation War.29 List of concentration and internment camps

russian children @ finnish-run transfer camp in petrozavodsk. sign reads, in finnish , russian: transfer camp. entry camp , conversations through fence forbidden under penalty of death.

when finnish army during second world war occupied east karelia 1941–1944, inhabited ethnically related finnic karelians (although never had been part of finland—or before 1809 of swedish finland), several concentration camps set ethnically russian civilians. first camp set on october 24, 1941, in petrozavodsk. 2 largest groups 6,000 russian refugees , 3,000 inhabitants southern bank of river svir forcibly evacuated because of closeness of front line. around 4,000 of prisoners perished due malnourishment, 90% of them during spring , summer 1942. ultimate goal move russian speaking population german-occupied russia in exchange finnish population these areas, , watch civilians.

population in finnish camps:

13,400 – december 31, 1941
21,984 – july 1, 1942
15,241 – january 1, 1943
14,917 – january 1, 1944

^ (in russian) Семейный Ковчег: Военное детство нынче не в цене , april 2004
^ laine, antti, suur-suomen kahdet kasvot, 1982, isbn 951-1-06947-0, otava


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