Termite List of termites of Sri Lanka

1 termite

1.1 family: hodotermitidae - harvester termites
1.2 family: kalotermitidae - drywood termites
1.3 family: rhinotermitidae - subterranean termites
1.4 family: termitidae - higher termites


phylum: arthropoda

class: insecta

order: blattodea

infra order: isoptera

termites eusocial insects classified @ taxonomic rank of infraorder isoptera, or epifamily termitoidae within cockroach order blattodea. termites once classified in separate order cockroaches, recent phylogenetic studies indicate evolved close ancestors of cockroaches during jurassic or triassic. possible, however, first termites emerged during permian or carboniferous. approximately 3,106 species described, few hundred more left described.

in 1913, green compiled concise catalogue isopterans in sri lanka. first known study on termites done wasmann during british period. since then, many local , overseas scientists engaged on many studies, in crop plantations well. detailed work on sri lankan termites done university of peradeniya in 2012. according checklist, based on 1893 literature, total of 64 species of termites in 27 genera , 4 families recorded sri lanka.

endemic species denoted e.

family: hodotermitidae - harvester termites

anacanthotermes viarum

family: kalotermitidae - drywood termites

postelectrotermes militaris
neotermes greeni
neotermes kemneri
kalotermes jepsoni
glyptotermes ceylonicus
glyptotermes dilatatus
glyptotermes minutus
bifiditermes pintoi
cryptotermes bengalensis
cryptotermes ceylonicus
cryptotermes cynocephalus
cryptotermes domesticus
cryptotermes dudleyi
cryptotermes perforans - e

family: rhinotermitidae - subterranean termites

coptotermes ceylonicus
coptotermes emersoni
coptotermes formosanus
coptotermes gaurii
coptotermes gestroi
heterotermes ceylonicus
heterotermes indicola
termitogeton umbilicatus - e
prorhinotermes flavus

family: termitidae - higher termites

macrotermes convulsionarius
odontotermes assmuthi
odontotermes ceylonicus
odontotermes escherichi
odontotermes feae
odontotermes globicola
odontotermes horni
odontotermes koenigi
odontotermes preliminaris
odontotermes redemanni
odontotermes taprobanes
hypotermes obscuriceps
hypotermes winifredi
microtermes macronotus
microtermes obesi
eurytermes ceylonicus
speculitermes sinhalensis
nasutitermes ceylonicus
nasutitermes horni
nasutitermes lacustris
nasutitermes oculatus
ceylonitermes escherichi
hospitalitermes monoceros
trinervitermes biformis
trinervitermes rubidus
ceylonitermellus hantanae
ceylonitermellus kotuae
synhamitermes ceylonicus
synhamitermes colombensis - e
microcerotermes bugnioni
microcerotermes cylindriceps
microcerotermes greeni
microcerotermes heimi
microcerotermes minor
angulitermes ceylonicus
dicuspiditermes hutsoni
dicuspiditermes incola
dicuspiditermes nemorosus
pericapritermes ceylonicus
pericapritermes speciosus

^ bambaradeniya, channa n. b. fauna of sri lanka: status of taxonomy, research, , conservation . amazon.com. google books. retrieved 23 january 2016. 
^ senanayake, p.d.; mohotti, k.; paranagama, p.a. evaluation of response of low-country live wood termite, glyptotermes dilatatus bugnion &popoff (isoptera: kalatermididae) semiochemicals present in rotted , healthy stems of tea cultivars . university of kelaniya. retrieved 7 june 2016. 
^ walgama r. s.; senanayake p. d. status of biological control of insect , mite pests of tea in sri lanka (pdf). division of entomology, tea research institute, talawakelle, sri lanka. retrieved 7 june 2016. 
^ annotated checklist of termites of sri lanka (pdf). national science foundation, sri lanka. 2012. retrieved 7 june 2016. 
^ history of insect collection , review of insect diversity in sri lanka . ceylon journal of science. retrieved 7 june 2016. 
^ hemachandra, i. i., edirisinghe, j. p., karunaratne, w. a. i. p. deversity , microhabits of termites (insecta:isoptera) @ udawattakele forest sanctuary, kandy . university of peradeniya. retrieved 7 june 2016. cs1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)


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