Business people, scientists, and inventors List of people from Connecticut

p.t. barnum

samuel colt

charles goodyear

j.p. morgan

george akerlof (new haven)
moses austin (durham)
edward c. banfield (bloomfield)
p.t. barnum (bethel , bridgeport)
william beaumont (lebanon)
john bello (plainville)
henry alfred bishop (bridgeport)
cornelius scranton bushnell (madison)
david bushnell (saybrook)
vint cerf (new haven)
wesley a. clark (new haven)
jared cohen (weston)
samuel colt (hartford)
carol lynn curchoe (manchester)
ray dalio (greenwich/westport)
bern dibner (wilton)
robert epstein (hartford)
james farrell (new haven)
john fitch (hartford county)
josiah willard gibbs (new haven)
alfred g. gilman (new haven)
charles goodyear (new haven)
james j. greco (hamden)
robert n. hall (new haven)
louis harris (new haven)
allan hobson (hartford)
harvey hubbell (bridgeport)
collis potter huntington (harwinton)
james m. hyde (mystic bridge)
jeffrey r. immelt (new canaan)
bradley s. jacobs (greenwich)
alfred winslow jones (redding)
edward calvin kendall (south norwalk)
mary dixon kies (south killingly)
george e. kimball (new britain)
stephen cole kleene (hartford)
edwin h. land (bridgeport)
henry lee (orange)
albert l. lehninger (bridgeport)
allen cleveland lewis (sterling)
alvin liberman (mansfield)
saunders mac lane (taftville)
john c. malone (milford)
john martin (old lyme)
barbara mcclintock (hartford)
sean mcmanus (fairfield)
daniel j. mitchell (wilton)
samuel augustus mitchell (bristol)
samuel morey (hebron)
j. p. morgan (hartford)
roy neuberger (bridgeport)
victor niederhoffer (weston)
frederick law olmsted (hartford)
ken olsen (stratford)
eliphalet remington (suffield)
joseph earl sheffield (southport)
igor sikorsky (stratford, trumbull , easton)
benjamin silliman (trumbull , new haven)
alfred p. sloan (new haven)
christopher spencer (manchester)
roger wolcott sperry (hartford)
frank j. sprague (milford)
frederick stanley (new britain)
john william sterling (stratford)
martha stewart (westport)
francis sumner (pomfret)
eli terry (east windsor)
seth thomas (wolcott)
john hasbrouck van vleck (middletown)
william h. welch (norfolk)
warren l. wheaton (pomfret)
nathaniel wheeler (bridgeport)
dana white (manchester)
gustave whitehead (bridgeport)
eli whitney (new haven)
oliver fisher winchester (new haven)
arthur williams wright (lebanon)
robert charles wright (southport)
steve wynn (new haven)


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