The north ambulatory Quimper Cathedral

1 north ambulatory

1.1 vitrail de saint guėnaël. bay 13
1.2 vocation de saint mélar. bay 11
1.3 mort de saint corentin. bay 11
1.4 proclamation du dogme de l immaculėe conception. bay 9

the north ambulatory

next start walk around north ambulatory , encounter painting yann dargent called miracle en faveur du p maunoir . in dargent s painting, père julien mannoir, missionary, miraculously given gift of breton language angel enable him preach in brittany.

père julien mannoir, missionary, miraculously given gift of breton language angel. painting yann dargent

vitrail de saint guėnaël. bay 13

vitrail de saint guėnaël. guenaël asks accompany saint guénolé monastery. note how group of boys interrupt game of boules watch event unfolding before eyes

next encounter door sacristry , walled-up window protected massive grill. seems walled window had given access 1 of corridors of sacristy. above grilled arch there stained glass window, work of louis plonquet in 1904, known vitrail de saint guėnaël . shows young man, saint guenaël asking saint guénolé, abbot of landévennec , on visit quimper, take him monastery live in service of god.( y passer sa vie au service de dieu ). saint guėnaël became abbot of landévennec after saint guénolé s death. here there murals yann dargent depicting corentin in conversation primel , being carried heaven angels.

the sacristy door area of quimper cathedral. in centre walled window covered grill. right see sacristy door , above door arms of monseigneur bertrand de rosmadec motto en bon espoir . left see bottom of yann dargent s painting showing miracle father julien maunoir given gift of breton language. above grilled window window depicting saints guénolé , guėnaël

vocation de saint mélar. bay 11

the vocation de saint mélar

this window tells story of saint mélar boy had right hand cut off stop him holding sword , left foot removed stop him mounting horse. in window , father, saint miliau, soldiers , monks, stand before bishop. mélar, wearing false hand, holds out severed hand. saint miliau had been killed brother rivode responsible attack on saint mélar. window louis plonquet , dates 1904.

mort de saint corentin. bay 11

the mort de saint corentin window

in bay 11 on north side of ambulatory , right of entry sacristy window entitled mort de saint corentin . dying saint corentin depicted in central panel , around lancets depicting 6 main sanctuaries of cornouaille devoted virgin mary. these notre-dame de rumengol, notre-dame de quimperlė, notre-dame de confort, notre dames des portes, notre-dame des cieux , notre-dame de châteaulin.

proclamation du dogme de l immaculėe conception. bay 9

in bay 9 of north side of ambulatory window attributed lavergne. in centre of window 2 panels recall history of dogma surrounding concept of immaculate conception whilst around several panels celebrate sanctuaries in lėon , trėgor devoted virgin mary. 1 panel recalls notre-dame de berven, , others notre-dame de kreisker, notre-dame auxiliatrice @ lesneven, notre-dame du mur, notre-dame du folgoët , notre-dame de kernitron.


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