Characteristics Green bean
1 characteristics
1.1 plant
1.2 varieties
1.2.1 bush (dwarf) types
1.2.2 pole (climbing) types
the first stringless bean bred in 1894 calvin keeney, called father of stringless bean , while working in le roy, new york. modern green bean varieties not have strings.
green beans classified growth habit 2 major groups, bush (or dwarf ) beans , pole (or climbing ) beans.
bush beans short plants, growing not more 2 feet (61 cm) in height, without requiring supports. reach maturity , produce of fruit in relatively short period of time, cease produce. due concentrated production , ease of mechanized harvesting, bush-type beans grown on commercial farms. bush green beans cultivars of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris).
pole beans have climbing habit , produce twisting vine, must supported poles , trellises, or other means. pole beans may common beans (phaseolus vulgaris), runner beans (phaseolus coccineus) or yardlong beans (vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis).
over 130 varieties of green bean known. varieties specialized use green beans, selected succulence , flavor of pods, ones grown in home vegetable garden, , many varieties exist. pod color can green, purple, red, or streaked. shapes range thin fillet types wide romano types , more common types in between. yellow-podded green beans known wax beans.
all of following varieties have green pods , phaseolus vulgaris, unless otherwise specified:
bush (dwarf) types
blue lake 274
bush kentucky wonder
derby (1990 aas winner)
kenyan bean
purple teepee (purple pods)
pole (climbing) types
blue lake
golden gate (yellow/wax)
kentucky blue (aas winner)
kentucky wonder
scarlet runner (phaseolus coccineus)
^ taylor s guide heirloom vegetables. boston: houghton mifflin. 1996. isbn 0-395-70818-4.
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^ mcgee, rose marie nichols; stuckey, maggie (2002). bountiful container. workman publishing.
^ garrelts, c.; garrelts, megan; lee, bonjwing (2011). bluestem: cookbook. andrews mcmeel publishing. p. 71. isbn 978-1-4494-0061-3.
^ how grow french beans - royal horticultural society, rhs gardening
^ facciola, stephen (1998). cornucopia ii : source book of edible plants. kampong publications. isbn 0-9628087-2-5.
^ singh b k, pathak k a, ramakrishna y, verma v k , deka b c. 2011. purple-podded french bean high antioxidant content. icar news: science , technology newsletter 17 (3): 9.
^ cite error: named reference uil invoked never defined (see page).
^ runner beans beautiful , edible - oregon state university agricultural extension
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