How feeding the future world will be possible Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture
irrigation water management in maize field
the conclusion made report s authors changing way use water within agriculture able meet acute water, environment , poverty challenges facing on next 50 years. suggested wise policies , investments in irrigation, upgrading rainfed agriculture, , trade possible limit future growth in water withdrawals 13% , expansion of cultivated land 9%. however, effects of climate change , increased use of biofuels complicate matters, making actions necessary to
address these. assessment found greatest potential lay in rainfed areas of world housing highest number of poor people. upgrading these rainfed lands through better water management held greatest potential increase productivity , decrease poverty. technology not need complex; simple measures such catching water in huge tubular plastic bags , storing roof , road run-off double or triple food production in sub-saharan africa , south-east asia, increasing productivity each raindrop amount.
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