Indirect rule Colonial Nigeria

yoruba sculpture colonial period depicting british technique of indirect rule

emir of kano, cavalry, photographed in 1911

the protectorate centrally administered colonial civil service, staffed britishers , africans called british native staff—many of whom originated outside territory. under political department of civil service residents , district officers, responsible overseeing operations in each region. resident oversaw provincial court @ region s capital.

each region had native administration, staffed locals, , possessing native treasury. native administration headed traditional rulers—emirs in north—and district heads, oversaw larger number of village heads. native administration responsible police, hospitals, public works, , local courts. colonial civil service used intermediaries, royal niger company had, in expanded role included diplomacy, propaganda, , espionage.

half of taxes went colonial government , half went native treasury. treasury used planned budget payment of staff , development of public works projects, , therefore not spent @ discretion of local emir. herbert richmond palmer developed details of model 1906 1911 governor of northern nigeria after lugard.

in 1916 lugard formed nigerian council, consultative body brought 6 traditional leaders—including sultan of sokoto, emir of kano, , king of benin—to represent parts of colony. council promoted device allowing expression of opinions instruct governor-general. in practice, lugard used annual sessions inform traditional leaders of british policy, leaving them no functions @ council s meetings except listen , assent.

unification meant loose affiliation of 3 distinct regional administrations nigeria subdivided—northern, western, , eastern regions (see fig. 6). each under lieutenant governor , provided independent government services. governor was, in effect, coordinator virtually autonomous entities had overlapping economic interests little in common politically or socially. in northern region, colonial government took careful account of islam , avoided appearance of challenge traditional values might incite resistance british rule.

this system, in structure of authority focused on emir whom obedience mark of religious devotion, did not welcome change. emirs settled more , more role reliable agents of indirect rule, colonial authorities content maintain status quo, particularly in religious matters. christian missionaries barred, , limited government efforts in education harmonised islamic institutions.

in south, contrast, traditional leaders employed vehicles of indirect rule in edoland & yorubaland, christianity , western education undermined sacerdotal functions. in instances, however, double allegiance—to idea of sacred monarchy symbolic value , modern concepts of law , administration—was maintained. out of reverence traditional kingship, instance, oba of benin, office closely identified edo religion, accepted sponsor of yoruba political movement. in eastern region, appointed officials given warrants , hence called warrant chiefs, resisted people because lacked traditional claims.

frederick lugard, shortly before becoming high commissioner of northern nigeria.

in practice, british administrative procedures under indirect rule entailed constant interaction between colonial authorities , local rulers—the system modified fit needs of each region. in north, instance, legislation took form of decree cosigned governor , emir, while in south, governor sought approval of legislative council. hausa recognised official language in north, , knowledge of expected of colonial officers serving there. in south, english had official status. regional administrations varied in quality of local personnel , in scope of operations willing undertake. british staffs in each region continued operate according procedures developed before unification. economic links among regions increased, indirect rule tended discourage political interchange. there virtually no pressure greater unity among regions until after end of world war ii.

public works, such harbour dredging , road , railway construction, opened nigeria economic development. british soap , cosmetics manufacturers tried obtain land concessions growing oil palms, these refused. instead, companies had content monopoly of export trade in these products. other commercial crops, such cocoa , rubber, encouraged, , tin mined on jos plateau.

the significant interruption in economic development arose natural disaster—the great drought of 1913–14. recovery came , improvements in port facilities , transportation infrastructure during world war furthered economic development. nigerian recruits participated in war effort labourers , soldiers. nigeria regiment of rwaff, integrating troops north , south, saw action against german colonial forces in cameroon , in german east africa.

during war, colonial government earmarked large portion of nigerian budget contribution imperial defence. raise additional revenues, lugard took steps institute uniform tax structure patterned on traditional system had adopted in north during tenure there. taxes became source of discontent in south, however, , contributed disturbances protesting british policy. in 1920 portions of former german cameroon mandated britain league of nations , administered part of nigeria.

until stepped down governor-general in 1918, lugard concerned consolidating british sovereignty , assuring local administration through traditional leaders. contemptuous of educated , westernised african elite found more in south, , recommended transferring capital lagos, cosmopolitan city influence of these people pronounced, kaduna in north. although capital not moved, lugard s bias in favour of muslim north clear @ time. lugard bequeathed successor prosperous colony when term governor-general expired.

the policy of indirect rule used in northern nigeria became model british colonies elsewhere in africa.


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