Outer walls and grounds Gormenghast (castle)
1 outer walls , grounds
1.1 north outer wall
1.2 east outer wall
1.3 south outer wall
1.4 west outer wall
outer walls , grounds
mark robertson s illustration mandarin paperback edition
the castle surrounded huge outer wall, appears irregular in shape, whether rectangular or circular not made clear. described curving, suggest circular shape; on other hand outer wall divided north, south , west sections (east not mentioned), suggesting more rectangular outline. outer walls described immense, sheer , clifflike. contrary general impression castle grey, dusty monolith of stone, careful reading of text reveals outer walls enclose quite extensive grounds.
north outer wall
the north outer wall described curving , separated small lane mud hut dwellings of bright carvers hug base. huge outer wall dominates life of settlement, overshadowing everything. feelings of 1 of bright carvers, titus wet nurse keda, typical:
ever since remember face of outer wall had been symbol of endlessness, of changelessness, of austerity , of protection. had known in many moods. baked dusty whiteness, , alive basking lizards, remember how flaked in sun. had seen flowering tiny pink , blue creeper flowers spread fields of coloured smoke in april across acres of temperate surface. had seen every protruding ledge of stone, every jutting irregularity furred frost, or hanging icicles. had seen snow sitting plumply on juttings, in darkness when wall had vanished night these patches of snow had seemed huge stars suspended.
further north of outer wall again woods , gormenghast lake. archway in outer wall leads castle grounds onto avenue of acacia trees, head down may main entrance castle. nannie slagg has pass down avenue of acacia trees reach outer wall of castle when goes in search of wet nurse titus. presumably there lawns or landscaping on either side of avenue.
east outer wall
an eastern outer wall not mentioned in text, presumably exists. however, may not so, large pine wood surrounds east wing of castle. bordering pine wood fields , overgrown gardens lie between east , south wings.
south outer wall
the south outer wall contains great ledge holds bright carvings judged on day of bright carvers on june 1. ledge apparently @ south wall s far western corner adjoins carver s battlement on west outer wall. south wall encloses grounds contain south spinneys. titus allowed ride horse hour once week through grounds along south outer wall.
west outer wall
the west outer wall contains carver s battlement, bright carvers carvings have been accepted keeping allowed promenade along on night of full moon every alternate month. appears @ far southern end of western wall adjoining ledge of bright carvings. western outer wall has archway overgrown ivy servant flay squeezes through on way castle in secret. west outer wall encloses grounds hold cedar trees, lawns , gormenghast terrace, along countess gertrude promenades every morning cats. appears enclose orchard of pentecost gardener, , nearby hill, lake , stream. pine wood surrounds west wing of castle, not entirely clear if within outer walls or not. west of western outer walls lie marshland, rocky escarpments, gormenghast river , gormenghast mountain.
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