The 5 upper windows of the north-facing nave .28123.2F125.2F127.2F129 and 131.29 Quimper Cathedral

1 5 upper windows of north-facing nave (123/125/127/129 , 131)

1.1 tymeur window. window 123
1.2 dresnay window. window 125
1.3 kerloaguen window. window 127
1.4 window 129
1.5 groeskaër window. window 131

the 5 upper windows of north-facing nave (123/125/127/129 , 131)

the upper north-facing nave has 5 stained glass windows 5 on upper south-facing nave. these windows work of jamin soyer, son of painter had, 50 years earlier, painted windows in upper choir area.

the tymeur window. window 123

the 5 lancet window 123 known vitrail du tymeur window honours tymeur family. in first lancet, saint patern, bishop of vannes, depicted , second lancet depicts john baptist noblewoman bears arms of rosmadec in alliance tymeur. third lancet carries depiction of virgin mary whilst in fourth lancet saint michael depicted cavalier bearing arms of tymeur. in tracery arms of either tymeur, or tymeur in alliance léon, rieux, malestroit, chastel , juch.

the dresnay window. window 125

the dresnay window. window 125. bishop appears in first lancet , in second canon yves du dresnay presented female saint. saint hervé appears in third lancet , in fourth dresnay cavalier presented saint-yves. in fifth panel cavalier being presented holy bishop, dresnay arms appear in tracery dresnay motto dieu le veult

the 5 lancet window 125 known verrière du dresnay . in first lancet figure of bishop, thought experts saint pol aurélien , others saint paul. in second lancet, yves du dresnay, cathedral canon 1486 1497 , significant benefactor of shown kneeling , being presented unidentified female saint. in third lancet blind saint hervé , legendary wolf. image of hervé remade in 1998. fourth lancet depicts second donor cathedral, noble of dresnay family. kneels before prie-dieu , presented saint-yves. fifth lancet depicts noble presented holy bishop. window s tracery includes dresnay arms.

the kerloaguen window. window 127

stained glass in upper nave north. window known vitrail des kerloaguen . in first panel, saint-guillaume pinchon depicted presenting canon guillaume de kerloaguen. in second panel, bishop presenting canon pierre de kerloaguen. third panel depicts vierge de pitié , fourth panel depicts saint peter. in fifth panel, maurice de kerloaguen depicted wife. presented sainte marie l Égyptienne. in window s tympanum lion of bréhet , eagle of kerloaguen shown depictions of angels , coats of arms

this 5 lancet window has vierge de pitié in third lancet. wears voluminous blue gown , people in other 4 lancets turn heads her. in first lancet guillaume de kerloaguen, ex-canon quimper, kneeling , presented saint guillaume pinchon bishop of st brieuc. kerloaguen arms displayed on prie-dieu. kneeling figure in second lancet pierre de kerloaguen, canon of quimper 1469 1497. nephew , successor of guillaume de kerloaguen. presented bishop. eagle displayed on prie-dieu. in fourth lancet saint peter pierre de kerloaguen s patron saint. holds large key. fifth lancet depicts cathedral s benefactors maurice de kerloaguen , wife louise de bréhet. presented sainte marie l Égyptienne. tracery includes eagle of kerloaguen , lion of bréhet. kerloaguen manor located @ plougonven.

window 129

window 129 restored lusson between 1869 , 1870. has 4 lancets. in first holy bishop depicted monk, in second depiction of either james greater or saint roch. third lancet depicts our lady jesus christ whilst fourth shows holy bishop canon.

the groeskaër window. window 131

the vitrail de laurent du groeskaer . 1 of upper-level windows looking down onto north side of nave. in first lancet, saint laurent presents canon laurent de groeskaër, in second lancet depiction of saint corentin, third lancet depicts mary magdalene , fourth depicts saint michael slaying dragon. in upper part of window, tympanum, angels carry phylacteries giving names of saints shown in window plus words gloria in excelsis deo. arms of groeskaer family shown. window dates around 1495

window 131 known vitrail de laurent du groeskaër . window comprises 4 lancets. first lancet depicts saint laurent holding grill instrument of martyrdom in left hand whilst right-hand rests on shoulder of kneeling benefactor laurent du groeskaër, canon of quimper 1489 1496. saint corentin appears in second lancet dressed in full attire of bishop. in third lancet, mary magdalene depicted. holds open book , pot of ointment. in fourth , final lancet, saint michael depicted fighting dragon. in tracery various phylacteries held angels.


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