Planning Liverpool Canal Link

the new canal link heading south past liver building

by 2000 there several new canal projects such renovation of huddersfield narrow canal, ribble link , rochdale canal. waterways regeneration task force, part of british waterways took on south docks english partnerships. task force approached liverpool city council s liverpool city vision suggestion of linking leeds , liverpool canal south docks building new waterway across pier head.

four routes proposed , after public consultation in 2001 route chosen. winning route across front of 3 graces @ pier head. feasibility work funded north west regional development agency, british waterways regeneration task force , detailed proposal drawn during 2003. funding work came nwrda, (50%) rest coming europe via erdf objective 1 programme. original estimate £17 million.

after changes plans following failed fourth grace project , objections english heritage new plan drawn march 2005 took account of new museum of liverpool. planning permission applied in august 2005 , granted in 2006.


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