Actors, producers, and directors List of people from Connecticut

ernest borgnine

katherine cannon (hartford)

glenn close

paul giamatti

katharine hepburn

christopher lloyd

seth macfarlane

robert mitchum

rosalind russell

christopher abbott (greenwich)
lauren ambrose (new haven)
tony amendola (new haven)
brad anderson (madison)
john ashton (enfield)
william atherton (orange)
valerie azlynn (new london)
kevin bacon (sharon)
roger bart (norwalk)
david alan basche (hartford)
ryan michelle bathe (stamford)
anne baxter (easton)
graham beckel (old lyme)
ed begley (hartford)
richard belzer (bridgeport)
polly bergen (southbury)
john billingsley (weston)
michael ian black (redding)
linda blair (westport)
roberts blossom (new haven)
ernest borgnine (hamden)
kate bosworth (darien)
jesse bradford (norwalk)
jonathan brandis (danbury)
alexandra breckenridge (darien)
amy brenneman (glastonbury)
brooke brodack (putnam)
chris bruno (milford)
dylan bruno (milford)
gary burghoff (bristol)
brooke burke (hartford)
john byrum (redding)
mary cadorette (east hartford)
mike cahill (new haven)
david canary (wilton)
art carney (westbrook)
d. j. caruso (norwalk)
adriana caselotti (bridgeport)
marilyn chambers (westport)
joe cipriano (oakville)
spencer treat clark (darien)
glenn close (greenwich)
martha coolidge (new haven)
daniel cosgrove (new haven)
d.j. cotrona (wallingford)
bob crane (waterbury)
jane curtin (sharon)
dan curtis (bridgeport)
paul dano (wilton)
jules dassin (middletown)
bette davis (westport)
jeff davis (milford)
dana delany (stamford)
brian dennehy (bridgeport)
jenna dewan (hartford)
george dicenzo (new haven)
allie dimeco (waterbury)
troy duffy (hartford)
charles h. eglee (new haven)
jill eikenberry (new haven)
abby elliott (wilton)
linda evans (hartford)
mark famiglietti (clinton)
michael j. fox (sharon)
kevin foxe (enfield)
will friedle (hartford)
paul fusco (new haven)
catherine gardner (waterbury)
marcus giamatti (new haven)
paul giamatti (new haven)
cynthia gibb (westport)
william gillette (hartford)
grant goodeve (middlebury)
topher grace (darien)
david marshall grant (westport)
luke greenfield (westport)
shelley hack (greenwich)
june havoc (wilton)
sterling hayden (wilton)
glenne headly (new london)
jessica hecht (bloomfield)
kevin heffernan (west haven)
katherine heigl (new canaan)
lillian hellman (new milford)
katharine hepburn (hartford)
linda hunt (westport)
allison janney (lakeville)
arline judge (bridgeport)
adam kaufman (new canaan)
elia kazan (newtown)
lisa robin kelly (southington)
ted knight (terryville)
david lachapelle (fairfield)
lisa lampanelli (trumbull)
hope lange (redding)
eriq la salle (hartford)
matt lauer (greenwich)
adam lavorgna (north branford)
norman lear (new haven)
denis leary (roxbury)
david letterman (new canaan)
barry levinson (redding)
paul lieberstein (westport)
mark linn-baker (wethersfield)
christopher lloyd (stamford)
michelle lombardo (glastonbury)
justin long (fairfield)
billy lush (new haven)
seth macfarlane (kent)
fredric march (new milford)
pamela sue martin (westport)
dylan mcdermott (waterbury)
biff mcguire (new haven)
stephanie mcmahon (weston)
jesse metcalfe (new london)
steve miner (westport)
robert mitchum (bridgeport)
gretchen mol (deep river)
marilyn monroe (weston , roxbury)
sheri moon (plainville, connecticut)
jonathan mostow (woodbridge)
michael g. moye (new haven)
marty munsch (greenwich)
george murphy (new haven)
ellen muth (milford)
david naughton (hartford)
james naughton (middletown)
kevin navayne (east hartford)
kevin nealon (bridgeport)
paul newman (westport)
becki newton (new haven)
tom noonan (greenwich)
fred norris (willimantic)
nolan north (new haven)
ron palillo (cheshire)
joe pantoliano (wilton)
don pardo (norwich)
dean parisot (wilton)
paul perri (new haven)
bijou phillips (greenwich)
jacob pitts (weston)
tracy pollan (sharon)
anthony tyler quinn (new london)
john ratzenberger (bridgeport)
evan rogers (mansfield)
christy carlson romano (milford)
sherrie rose (hartford)
matt ross (greenwich)
rosalind russell (waterbury)
meg ryan (bethel)(fairfield)
peter sarsgaard (fairfield)
michael schur (west hartford)
annabella sciorra (wethersfield)
kyra sedgwick (sharon)
chloë sevigny (darien)
louise shaffer (woodbridge)
spec shea (naugatuck)
micah sloat (westport)
patricia smith (new haven)
bill smitrovich (bridgeport)
zack snyder (greenwich)
raymond st. jacques (hartford)
david h. steinberg (west hartford)
austin stowell (kensington)
tara subkoff (westport)
ed sullivan (southbury)
larry sullivan (new haven)
pawel szajda (farmington)
lee tergesen (ivoryton)
mark tinker (stamford)
tony todd (hartford)
jim true-frost (greenwich)
tom tryon (hartford)
raviv ullman (fairfield)
james van der beek (cheshire)
gus van sant (darien)
diane venora (east hartford)
jenna von oÿ (stamford)
wende wagner (new london)
christopher walken (wilton)
tonja walker (easton)
deborah walley (bridgeport)
sam waterston (sharon)
michael weatherly (fairfield)
bruce weitz (norwalk)
titus welliver (new haven)
michael jai white (bridgeport)
treat williams (norwalk)
fay wolf (fairfield)
joanne woodward (westport)
kari wührer (brookfield)
madeline zima (new haven)

^ barry levinson on imdb. internet movie database. retrieved may 14, 2014.


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