Design and development Sopwith Triplane
triplane prototype
serial n5387 of no. 1 naval squadron
triplane cockpit
the triplane began private venture sopwith aviation company. fuselage , empennage closely mirrored of earlier pup, chief engineer herbert smith gave new aircraft 3 narrow-chord wings provide pilot improved field of view. ailerons fitted 3 wings. using variable incidence tailplane, aircraft trimmed fly hands-off. introduction of smaller 8 ft span tailplane in february 1917 improved elevator response.
the triplane powered 110 hp clerget 9z nine-cylinder rotary engine, production examples fitted 130 hp clerget 9b rotary. @ least 1 triplane tested 110 hp le rhône rotary engine, did not provide significant improvement in performance.
the initial prototype of referred triplane first flew on 28 may 1916, sopwith test pilot harry hawker @ controls. within 3 minutes of takeoff, hawker startled onlookers looping aircraft, serial n500, 3 times in succession. triplane agile, effective, well-harmonised controls. when maneuvering, however, triplane presented unusual appearance. 1 observer noted aircraft looked drunken flight of steps when rolling.
in july 1916, n500 sent dunkirk evaluation naval squadron, 1 naval wing. proved highly successful. second prototype, serial n504, fitted 130 hp clerget 9b. n504 first flew in august 1916 , sent france in december. aircraft served conversion trainer several squadrons.
between july 1916 , january 1917, admiralty issued 2 contracts sopwith total of 95 triplanes, 2 contracts clayton & shuttleworth ltd. total of 46 aircraft, , 1 contract oakley & co. ltd. 25 aircraft. seeking modern aircraft royal flying corps, war office issued contract clayton & shuttleworth 106 triplanes. in february 1917, war office agreed exchange triplane orders admiralty s spad s.vii contracts.
production commenced in late 1916. sopwith , clayton & shuttleworth completed rnas production orders, oakley, had no prior experience building aircraft, delivered 3 triplanes before contract cancelled in october 1917. unknown reasons, rfc triplane contract issued clayton & shuttleworth cancelled rather being transferred rnas. total production amounted 147 aircraft.
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