History California Department of Water Resources
1 history
1.1 1850-1875
1.2 1875–1900
1.3 1900–1925
1.4 1925–1950
1.5 1950–1975
1.6 dwr timeline
california recognizes many types of water rights. these rights have developed state on time. prior treaty of guadalupe hidalgo, signed in 1848, california part of mexico. riparian rights prevalent type of water right. under riparian rights, have origins in roman law, landowner can use water flowing property use on property. however, mexican government provided agricultural pueblos, granting water on public domain these pueblos. when california became part of united states, united states agreed recognize existing law. pueblo rights vested water rights @ time. pueblo rights provided spanish , mexican pueblos entitled paramount beneficial use of needed naturally occurring water entire watershed of stream flowing through pueblo.
when gold discovered in 1848, immigrants on world came california. during california gold rush, gold miners, not land owners, divert large quantities of water rivers , streams hydraulic mining. local custom dictated how water shared in mining camps, in general, miners followed same practice in allocating water did in staking mineral claims. in earliest form, appropriative water right created taking water , putting beneficial use. however, state claim miners post notice others taking , using water. after california became u.s. state in 1850, first session of california state legislature adopted laws deal state s water. included adoption of english common law system, included doctrine of riparian rights, although system better suited water-rich eastern united states. shortly thereafter, californian courts recognized appropriative water rights.
because of these plural systems of water allocation, disputes ensued; these differences resolved state courts. in 1872, legislature adopted procedure in civil code provide method claiming appropriative water right record claims county recorder of each county. in 1886, courts addressed competing claims between riparians , appropriators in case of lux v. haggin. however, within 25 years, excessive claims water rights threatened affect economic development in state. in response, governor formed water commission make recommendations regarding california s water law. in 1913, californian voters adopted referendum water commission act, created state water commission , set forth administrative procedure acquiring appropriative right.
in 1926, courts held riparian water user entitled full flow of stream, without regard reasonableness of use. in response, in 1928, california constitution amended require water use in california reasonable , beneficial. (article x, section 2).
in 1878, william hammond hall of office of state engineer conducted series of investigations in california s central valley , drafted series of plans calling various publicly funded , owned irrigation projects. hall s study accomplished on budget of $100,000.[1]. central valley continued grow in absence of state-run project, yet central valley landowners , coastal cities (including san francisco) managed acquire water rights in sierra nevada mountain range use in valley.
in response growing political , legal contests limited water resources, water commission act of 1913 established water commission oversee permits associated rights use surface water. water commission act became effective on december 19, 1914. landowners or water users had established water usage prior 1914 became senior water rights users in many of more accessible watersheds in state. appropriative water rights processed division of water rights, under state engineer, , subsequently under department of water resources, state water rights board, , finally, state water resources control board.
in 1919, col. robert b. marshall, chief surveyor u.s. geological survey, proposed plan federal government build series of diversion dams, , 2 grand canals along sides of sacramento , san joaquin valleys, consequently irrigating california s central valley. though national interest in marshall s plan limited, there interest in california pursuing proposed project.
in 1927, california state legislature passed law authorizing department of finance file applications division of water rights reserve unappropriated surface water future development. number of claims filed on july 30, 1927. department subsequently acquired water rights permits resulted of these filings. in 1933, california state legislature , governor james rolph approved construction of central valley project, initial plans build 420-foot dam @ kennett. provide regular flows out san francisco estuary, reducing salinity intrusion sacramento-san joaquin delta. unable finance construction of kennett dam, state applied federal government aid. after u.s. house of representatives committee on rivers , harbors reviewed state plans, congress enacted rivers , harbors act of 1935, giving u.s. federal government control on central valley project (cvp).
in mid-1950s, california experiencing substantial growth. san francisco s caspar w. weinberger, chairman of california assembly government organization committee, held series of statewide hearings in 1954 , 1955 focused on creating state water project supply growing municipal , agricultural demands of state. on july 5, 1956 in special session of california assembly, governor goodwin j. knight signed weinberger s bill combine division of water resources of department of public works state engineer s office, water project authority, , state water resources board new department: department of water resources. consulting engineer harvey o. banks appointed governor knight department s first director , given task of developing plan proposed state water project.
in 1959, legislature enacted burns-porter act authorized $1.75 billion construction of proposed state water project. burns-porter act approved californian voters in 1960 , in same year whale rock dam, dwr s first major water project located near san luis obispo, completed.
in 1961, william warne appointed director of department , oversaw construction of key facility in operation of state water project: oroville dam. dwr , united states bureau of reclamation signed agreement design joint reservoir in san luis. because water oroville , shasta dams (from existing central valley project) moved down existing sacramento river channel sacramento-san joaquin river delta, excess flows roll through delta , stored in central valley until needed. construction of harvey o. banks pumping plant, located near tracy, california, began in 1963.
dwr timeline
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