Co-curriculum Presbyterian Ladies' College, Sydney
1 co-curriculum
1.1 sport
1.2 ensembles
1.3 debating , public speaking
1.4 aid projects
plc swimming carnival, 1948
plc sydney arguably 1 of australia s best girls sporting schools. college has been member of independent girls schools sporting association (igssa) since foundation in 1922, , through association senior students compete against 27 other girls schools in graded weekend sports , carnivals. sports available students through igssa include swimming, diving, rowing, cross country, athletics, gymnastics, softball, tennis, basketball, soccer, field hockey, netball, cricket , water polo. college offers sports such skiing, snowboarding, equestrian , badminton through other competitions. in 2007 plc won 3 igssa carnival premierships: in diving (for ninth consecutive year), swimming, , gymnastics.
primary school girls have opportunity participate in interschool sports through plc s membership in new south wales branch of junior school heads association of australia (jshaa). students special sporting talent provided pathway compete @ highest level available @ plc, igssa/jshaa, combined independent schools, state representation @ school sport australia, , commonwealth , olympic level.
in september 2007, college broke under-19 female australian record 24-hour non-stop rowing, distance of 337 kilometres (209 mi). in 2007, plc named new south wales school snowsports club of year nsw snowsports association, later winning national award @ 2007 ski , snowboard australia awards.
the 2008 rowing season has been 1 of school s best date. in march, plc 1st 8 crew won schoolgirl 8 race @ igssa regatta first time in school s history. crew successful @ 2008 australian rowing championships, winning final of schoolgirls 8 race (the sydney cup), ahead of st catherine s school, toorak , pymble ladies college, ranking them best schoolgirl 8 in australia.
junior , senior school students can participate in musical ensembles, both selective , non-selective, including several bands, string orchestras, full school orchestra, chamber music ensembles, choral groups , several smaller instrumental , vocal groups.
debating , public speaking
one of strengths of plc sydney long history of achievement in debating , public speaking. college has competed in independent schools debating association (isda) past 5 years , has had long-standing commitment archdale debating competition. plc students have had success @ semi-final level, , won competition in 2006.
plc sydney enters teams in junior , senior sections of association of heads of independent girls schools (ahigs) festival of speech, producing best results of ahigs school on history of competition, 10 consecutive wins in competition s 12-year history.
students may participate in macquarie cup , commonwealth bank senior debating, vying students range of public, catholic , independent schools. there social debates surrounding schools regular competition trinity grammar school called plc/trinity challenge.
aid projects
the plc overseas aid fund has been established enhance college s work aid projects in developing countries, , important part of school s round square membership. current projects undertaken school include establishment , on-going management of 2 kindergartens in east timor, management , support of birla children s orphanage in vietnam, , establishment of adopt school programme. programme developed , directed principal, dr mckeith, , matches schools in australia schools in sri lanka requiring rebuilding following 2004 tsunami. plc s school, allocated through programme, senehasa counselling, training , rehabilitation centre girls.
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