Neutron sources Neutron activation analysis

1 neutron sources

1.1 reactors
1.2 fusors
1.3 isotope sources
1.4 gas discharge tubes

neutron sources

a range of different sources can used:

a nuclear reactor
an actinoid such californium emits neutrons through spontaneous fission
an alpha source such radium or americium, mixed beryllium; generates neutrons (α,c+n) reaction
a d-t fusion reaction in gas discharge tube


some reactors used neutron irradiation of samples radioisotope production range of purposes. sample can placed in irradiation container placed in reactor; if epithermal neutrons required irradiation cadmium can used filter out thermal neutrons.


a relatively simple farnsworth–hirsch fusor can used generate neutrons naa experiments. advantages of kind of apparatus is compact, benchtop-sized, , can turned off , on. disadvantage type of source not produce neutron flux can obtained using reactor.

isotope sources

for many workers in field reactor item expensive, instead common use neutron source uses combination of alpha emitter , beryllium. these sources tend weaker reactors.

gas discharge tubes

these can used create pulses of neutrons, have been used activation work decay of target isotope rapid. instance in oil wells.


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