Nuclides synthesized Supernova nucleosynthesis

composite image of kepler s supernova pictures spitzer space telescope, hubble space telescope, , chandra x-ray observatory.

stars initial masses less 8 times sun never develop core large enough collapse , lose atmospheres become white dwarfs. nucleosynthesis within lighter stars therefore limited nuclides fused in material located above final white dwarf. limits yields interstellar gas carbon, nitrogen, , isotopes heavier iron slow capture of neutrons (the s process). virtually of stellar nucleosynthesis occurs in stars massive enough end in type ii supernovae. in pre supernova massive star includes carbon burning, oxygen burning , silicon burning. of yield may never leave star disappear collapsed core. yield ejected substantially fused in explosive burning caused shock wave launched core collapse (see supernova). prior core collapse, fusion of elements between silicon , iron occurs in largest of stars, , in limited amounts. nucleosynthesis of abundant , primary elements, defined synthesized in stars of hydrogen , helium (left big bang), substantially limited supernova nucleosynthesis, fred hoyle first described in pioneering work establishing subject.


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