Transvaginal ultrasonography Ectopic pregnancy

the combination of positive pregnancy test , presence of appears normal intrauterine pregnancy not exclude ectopic pregnancy, since there may either heterotopic pregnancy or pseudosac , collection of within endometrial cavity may seen in 20% of women.

a small amount of anechogenic free fluid in rectouterine pouch commonly found in both intrauterine , ectopic pregnancies. presence of echogenic fluid estimated @ between 28 , 56% of women ectopic pregnancy, , indicates presence of hemoperitoneum. however, not result tubal rupture, commonly result leakage distal tubal opening. rule of thumb, finding of free fluid significant if reaches fundus or present in vesico-uterine pouch. further marker of serious intra-abdominal bleeding presence of fluid in hepatorenal recess of subhepatic space.

currently, doppler ultrasonography not considered contribute diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.

a common misdiagnosis of normal intrauterine pregnancy pregnancy implanted laterally in arcuate uterus, potentially being misdiagnosed interstitial pregnancy.


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