Behaviour Crested lark

video of singing bird

the crested lark songbird, , has liquid, warbling song described onomatopoeically whee-whee-wheeoo or twee-tee-too. sings in flight high in sky, @ 30 60 m (98 197 ft) above ground. related eurasian skylark exhibits similar behaviour sings during ascent, whereas crested lark sings either @ altitude or on ground. flight pattern example of undulatory locomotion.


eggs of galerida cristata mhnt

it nests in small depressions in ground, in wastelands , on outskirts of towns. nests untidy structures composed of dead grasses , roots. 3 5 brown, finely speckled eggs, similar of eurasian skylark, laid @ time , hatch after 11–12 days. larks, chicks leave nest early, after 8 days , take flight after reaching 15–16 days old. 2 broods raised each year.

food , feeding

eating insect

largely vegetarian birds, crested lark feeds on grains , seeds, such oats, wheat , barley, eat insects, particularly beetles, food either being scavenged ground or dug up. juvenile birds fed both parents, , leave nest before able fly start foraging food themselves.


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