Terminology Septage

another definition of septage is: historical term define sludge removed septic tanks. term historic used because nowadays replaced term fecal sludge (or faecal sludge in british english), though fecal sludge may have negative connotation associated because contains word feces .

septic tank sludge or septage in fact specific type of fecal sludge - term nowadays used in context of developing countries. fecal sludge includes fecal sludge or septage septic tanks fecal sludge pit latrines or public toilets not connected sewer. fecal sludge management challenge many cities in developing countries large fraction of population using on-site sanitation systems. fecal sludge needs managed safely.

septage limited septic tank contents whereas fecal sludge includes contents other on-site sanitation technologies well, not septic tanks. term septic in septage implies sludge has gone through anaerobic biological degradation , @ least partly stabilised. fecal sludge on other hand wider term , includes fresh sludges non-sewered public toilets.


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