Teaching, writing, and later work Chaim Koppelman

self portrait (ca. 1980), personal collection

in 1959, koppelman began printmaking department @ school of visual arts, taught until 2007. taught @ national academy, new york university, suny new paltz, rhodes preparatory school, , 92nd street y. in 1971, became consultant on faculty of not-for-profit aesthetic realism foundation. part of trio, kindest art, gave consultations artists , others, teaching art answers deepest question in life: how oneself being fair outside world. taught art of drawing: surface , depth. studied aesthetic realism eli siegel until 1978, , in professional classes chairman of education, ellen reiss.

his scholarly writing aesthetic realism consultant showing relation of art , life includes considerations of lives , works of sculptors augustus saint-gaudens , jacques lipchitz; painters rené magritte, giorgio de chirico, henri matisse, rembrandt, fernand léger, henri de toulouse-lautrec, masaccio; , many american printmakers. author of art of print, essays on works of picasso, daumier, munch, hogarth, , duane hanson. drawings illustrate siegel s book, damned welcome: aesthetic realism maxims (new york: definition press, 1972, 2011).

although known work in black , white, koppelman s painterly interest in color took new form in 1970s, when began using color in prints. after 1980, worked increasingly in pastel , watercolor.


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